Doha Residents Observed 'Yellow Day'

SOLIDARITY MARCH FOR MURDERED STUDENTPublished: Tuesday, 9 September, 2008, 01:49 AM Doha Time
Scores of residents, including Qatari nationals and expatriates, held a march at the Doha Corniche yesterday in solidarity with the family of Qatari student Mohamed al-Majed who died in Britain last month after what police called a racially motivated assault. Relatives and family members of Majed were also present.
The march started from the Sheraton end of the Corniche. People sported yellow shirts or yellow armbands. The main groups behind the Corniche walk were the ILQ (, Qatar Living and PICTURE: Jayaram
Taking a stand
Web posted at: 9/9/2008 1:54:10
Source ::: The Peninsula
Hundreds of residents attended the event organised on the Corniche in remembrance of the slain Qatari youth and as a stand against racism and violence. (SHAIVAL DALAL)
Residents wear yellow in tribute to slain Qatari student
DOHA • People from different communities yesterday assembled on the Corniche, near Doha Sheraton, to take a stand against racism and also to show their sympathy for the family of Qatari student Mohammed Al Majed who was murdered in Hastings, UK recently.
The silent stand event was co-ordinated jointly by different groups like qatarliving, (ILQ) and
The gathering saw approximately a hundred people participating in the stand. Those participating in the event wore yellow cloths to distinguish themselves from the rest of the crowd. Due to Ramadan the event was held between 4:45pm to 5:00pm.
The family members of Mohammed Al Majed also attended the silent stand. "It's a tragedy to lose our loved one. We are out here to support the groups who organised the event," said Rana Salatt, the aunt of Mohammed Al Majed.
The people who were present at the event expressed their condolences. "We are planning to use this opportunity to show our sympathy for the family of Mohamed and also make a stand against this kind of meaningless violence. Hopefully, the UK government and others around the world will take note and give this kind of behaviour zero tolerance," said Gwen Newnham.
"I have gathered to pay my respects to the family of Mohammed Al Majed," said Andrew Sandilands, a construction manager at El Seif.
"The event was a great success as there were a lot of Qataris besides other residents," said Khalifa Haroun of
"In our culture, we believe that for every death, there is a reason as it is in God's hands. I'm sure that young Mohammed's death will open a lot of peoples' eyes in the world and it would not have been in vain."
Families also took part in the event. "The incident was pretty distressing. Racism affects us all. We are here to say no to it. This sort of behaviour should not be tolerated in a civil society," said John Gregg from Qatar Foundation. John and his family took part in this event and paid their last respects to Mohammed Al Majed.
"We are gathered here to ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future," said Shikharvaieye of Darwish Travels, who was accompanied by his wife.
Speed Comments:
Kudos to 'Angelwings' for her idea behind this campaign and to Amnenisa from '' and the members of and last not least QLVG (special thanks to 'Khanan' and 'Casanova') and to all QLVG members/ Qlers for their kind support in making this campaing a huge success.
May God rest 'Mohammad' soul in peace and bring those criminal behind bars.
Gob Bless you All.
and 4.15 when I drove down along the length of the corniche... I saw folks walking as couples - dressed in Yellow... then there was one dad and small son both in yellow T shirts, another woman and man again both in yellow... another group of kids and adults and a mixed bag of singles, all displaying yellow.
This was because an earlier message had gone out saying to 'walk the corniche wearing yellow'... so people did just that. From the Sheraton end of the corniche, we could see further along small groups of folks wearing the yellow, some of whom arrived after the family had left, and having walked the length of the corniche arrived when we were leaving too, but not a problem... the idea was to let folks and TV know that we were against this and Governments must not be apathetic towards this new type of violence. By that I mean "nothing to do tonight, so lets bash up a foreigner" type of violence... !!! Somebody has to do something, otherwise if we say nothing, it will grow and develope until it becomes the norm in each city, and justice will be just as apathetic if we remain silent.
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
@silvio, I think I answered both and 'faced' them as well.
You are asking 'why aren't there that many brits'. To be honest, I don't really know, however there were a lot of people that wore yellow but did'nt want to be part of the photo march
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
i wish the same too, snowyowl...
i see nothing wrong with people from different nationalities being there to show respect and condolences.. QT is right, it shows solidarity amongst people and it signifies a unified stand against racism. I wish i could've been there but i can't, but just the same, i still express my condolences to the family.
Silvo, yes, he won't come back, but his family got comfort that people are supporting them and to know that we don't agree with what happened. We all suffer from racism in some way and we got together, all nationalities, to say no to racism, all nationalities there that day with no thought to racism.
Wish it could be like that all the time, don't you?
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
i know what you mean, and i feel bad about it, and sorry for his family, but how can i say this........
why some nationalities would do whatever with no actions in return, while .............................
anyway, all what we have done there, and i was there but not wearing yellow and not even near just watching... and i was asking my self , what about him ?????????
WHAT ABOUT HIM???? he wont back alive, this wont do anything for him, what we would say for him "if we dare" if he can hear us............
My condolences to the family, although I couldn't be there physically, events like this that show solidarity amongst people really make me proud to be a member of QL and ILQ.
you wont blame me for not being english person, its not mine and am not finding it that cool lang anyway.
as i said supernurse, you wont understand, so dont DM reply for what am saying, if i dont know how to.
QT, Your Question... bla bla bla bla, let me guess, you are that ???
you answer it and feelings so prowrd of your self thinking you would reach to moon, smart QuT man.
2 types of ppl out there, like you who just walk with the wind and others you stand letting the wind to go away.
you can say now whatevr i wont even back and read it anyway.
Silvio, I went, regardless of my nationality, to show that Qatar is my home and someone from home was needlessly killed. I wanted to show that I cared, esp being a mum, wouldn't want the same to happen to my children but if, god forbids, something did, and someone organised something similar, I would feel grateful if there was a large turn out. Think along the lines of walking in someone else's shoes.
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
Your questions prove you don't have the "SMART" to understand so let me make it a little clear!
Why people from different nationalities?
Respect for the dead can come from any nationality!
Why so few British?
...and you obviously know there who was British and who wasn't! Many were at work at the time and came earlier or later and was not there for the photoshoot!
Clearly as you said "SMART ppl would get it already"!
EErr Silvio, just read the last comment, you can say SMART people when you can actually write proper English so all can understand!
Silvio, sorry you ain't making sense....can you translate?
i ment 2 things, forget the second one if you find it hard to face, get the first one, why ppl from diff nationlalities been there and AND WHY british ppl that much, oh my, you could count'em on your fingers.
SMART ppl would get it already
@Silvio, this isn't an England thing, it's an international thing to stand up against racism.
As for what if a British person was killed. A person did die years ago because of an Egyptian blast (first time in the country and hopefully the last) and all the Qataris arranged a minute of silent to respect his death and it had nothing to do with us either.
It's all about respect.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Silvio wtf are you on about?
what if a british was killed in doha???
ppl from UK only suppose to be there, i see other nationalities which is much, really much the brithish ppl.
how come??? i cant get it.
anyway, DaRuDe i agree with you
corrected now .... Thanks for pointing out ;-)
You are really an Angel :p
i cudnt make it yday.. May Mohd's soul rest in peace..
i felt really humbled that the family were there to 'support' us and our initiative!
They came to support us and encourage us as a group of expatriates, and that in itself is rather amazing. I do feel very proud of my Qatari friends, and of course Mohammeds family - with the dignity they've shown, and their expression of gratitude towards all who participated.
I was handed a phone early on in the 'walk' by a reporter, and amazed to find that it was an editor from a french newpaper in Paris... there was another reporter there from china. Still another from a near eastern arabic country. This has gone out in the media, and hopefully true to the real intent of stopping this kind of madness.
Thanks again folks, for making it happen.
ps... speed... I'm 'angel', not an 'angle'...! LOL.
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
I pray that ALLAH give the family the fortitude to bear the loss and may his soul rest in "PEACE"
by the event and the genuine outpouring of support to the family of that young man. I always said yellow is not my colour but yesterday I was proud to wear it and the thought and care behind the organization of that event has touched my heart. Kudos to all involved!
My deepest condolences , i really missed that
and this proves that we all are ONE, we all are UNITED against racism and hatered ...
It was good to be there and show respect.....also glad the camera missed me, got hubby and son though ;-)
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
to see huge number of other Qatari famalies attending the campaign also ....
Speed is saying that its your clothes? and not
next time ware a thobe..lets see if you get more
My deepest condolences to the family...
i've said some prayers for the family and their loss, since i wasn't able to join yesterday..
seen some shots from novi as well... and khanan, you are... you are... oh darn.. an angel took my words away.. :)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Today morning when I spoke to Khanan I told him the same that due to his height (Mahs'Allah) and his cloth combination (black and Yellow) is the reason for his attraction ;-)
Do you see any one else or should i get you a mirror
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Ah Well Excellent great to see that bugger standing in front.
And a good step by Angelwings a successful one with rest of the Group joining her made it a big one.
I can't imagine losing a child, much less to a senseless act of violence such as a racially motivated reason. My heartfelt condolences to the family and relatives. A very hearty thank you to Amnesia, Angelwings and the others who helped set this up...
I wish I could have attended but had to work yesterday...Its so wonderful to see such an outpouring of support for such a good cause.
Mohammed is already at peace with God...may God grant peace and consolation to his family for their loss...
So nice of you to come up with such a great shows that we expats care..
May his soul rest in peace and may God give Mohammed's the family the courage to get over the grief.
our deep condolences
some people needed that