Thanks to you friends now we are reaching to some point. When we don't call some 1 names or not idea fixed at one point thats the way a discussion has to be :) No one needs my approval but well done friends :)) Thank you again. Default Nick and muner well said m8s cant say better :) Dweller thank you for your opinion on Ataturk and his name also. MD said it short for
"true, too, Alex, but the "founder" of the state (Ataturk) installed the rule of secularism knowingly and intentionally. He wanted the separation of church and government!" it was the brief explanation for all the secularism that some ppl can't understand. Alexa you are right at some point. But the problem is there are (for my opinion) 3 kinds of ppl in Turkey.
1-Ppl who are sick of these secular-radical Islamic discussion and that chose the path of "Hell with radical Islamism and hell with Secularism" type
2-Who are trying to bring the radical Islam in Turkey
3-Who are opposing that idea and remain like as we are. (These ppl are Muslim also and we pray, fast and practice Islam also, secularism doesnt mean we don't believe in God and we don't follow the path, But another friend well said that its between me and God if I drink or pray or etc.)

Default Nick was right at another point also like other friends; "There is a system in Turkey and of course all systems will try to protect itself against outside affects"

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