Ok dude u say I don't say and defend "ALLAH" as I defend Atatürk. I can only laugh at this because there can never be a doubt about "ALLAH"... I prove, that you ppl (don't know about Turkey, Atatürk and Islam) can never get the right point of view from your narrow angle. you blame me for saying "Atatürk was needed for Islam" where did I said that ???
"what you say about Atta Shirk it is a shame you do not say about Allaah." Are you insane dude ?? Who can judge ALLAH or say something against him ?? I didnt say a thing because I can't... He is the LORD, ALLAH, ALL MIGHTY and in every religion he is the ONE. What did you expect me to say ?? NO ONE can question, judge him ! I said;
"Do you know that if Ataturk didn't do that reforms and other things (including making all the nation fight against all the countries that wants a piece of us) no one can pray in mosque, no once can fast in Ramadan, no one can decide what to do with their own will ! You are just blubbering about what you don't know !! I'am a TURK, I'am a Muslim. I'am fasting in Ramadan and I pray every night and I know that Ataturk gave us these. There is nothing like "our god Atatürk" kind of thought. How can you call Atatürk "God" ?? Its a sin to call someone "god". Atatürk was not a god and he isn't now also."
Read it again and entirely dude.
We don't pray to Ataturk we pray to GOD... You said when u were in Turkey you saw that Atatürk is treated like god. You get it all wrong dude ! We love Atatürk yes but if you were really in Turkey you must have seen that ppl can talk about Atatürk and they can blame him judge him or write things, call him names... But as we Turks, in known that he had made some great things -including giving us the oppurtunity to fight and WIN against the countries that invaded Turkey- we are grateful. So we defend him also. We know what the word "gratitude" means...
ALLAH created Atatürk and we know that for sure, we pray to GOD not Ataturk. If you know the word gratitude you'll understand also. We are all grateful that ALLAH created us, and we are grateful that Ataturk gave the opp to fight and WIN the battle against too many nations... I know that we are all but just a very tiny piece of ALLAH's mercy, and being. He is the creater and we are just human beings. We just know the word what gratitude means dude. I'am not dizzy about "whirling dervish stuff"
as you call it; I just know the meaning of gratitude...
You said; "You see 'rider' not everyone loves their country. Most Muslims couldn't give 2 squirrel farts about it. Turks take nationalism to an extreme in the Muslim world." I don't care how many farts who can give... Its their problem not mine, I love my country but I know that we dont "take nationalism to an extreme" this is what it has to be if you love your country and your religion. The ppl who dont give 2 squirrel farts is not my problem. I cant make ppl love their country, this is me and I live by my rights.
By the way the correct spelling is "Ataturk" not Atta shirk !
Ok dude u say I don't say and defend "ALLAH" as I defend Atatürk. I can only laugh at this because there can never be a doubt about "ALLAH"... I prove, that you ppl (don't know about Turkey, Atatürk and Islam) can never get the right point of view from your narrow angle. you blame me for saying "Atatürk was needed for Islam" where did I said that ???
"what you say about Atta Shirk it is a shame you do not say about Allaah." Are you insane dude ?? Who can judge ALLAH or say something against him ?? I didnt say a thing because I can't... He is the LORD, ALLAH, ALL MIGHTY and in every religion he is the ONE. What did you expect me to say ?? NO ONE can question, judge him ! I said;
"Do you know that if Ataturk didn't do that reforms and other things (including making all the nation fight against all the countries that wants a piece of us) no one can pray in mosque, no once can fast in Ramadan, no one can decide what to do with their own will ! You are just blubbering about what you don't know !! I'am a TURK, I'am a Muslim. I'am fasting in Ramadan and I pray every night and I know that Ataturk gave us these. There is nothing like "our god Atatürk" kind of thought. How can you call Atatürk "God" ?? Its a sin to call someone "god". Atatürk was not a god and he isn't now also."
Read it again and entirely dude.
We don't pray to Ataturk we pray to GOD... You said when u were in Turkey you saw that Atatürk is treated like god. You get it all wrong dude ! We love Atatürk yes but if you were really in Turkey you must have seen that ppl can talk about Atatürk and they can blame him judge him or write things, call him names... But as we Turks, in known that he had made some great things -including giving us the oppurtunity to fight and WIN against the countries that invaded Turkey- we are grateful. So we defend him also. We know what the word "gratitude" means...
ALLAH created Atatürk and we know that for sure, we pray to GOD not Ataturk. If you know the word gratitude you'll understand also. We are all grateful that ALLAH created us, and we are grateful that Ataturk gave the opp to fight and WIN the battle against too many nations... I know that we are all but just a very tiny piece of ALLAH's mercy, and being. He is the creater and we are just human beings. We just know the word what gratitude means dude. I'am not dizzy about "whirling dervish stuff"
as you call it; I just know the meaning of gratitude...
You said; "You see 'rider' not everyone loves their country. Most Muslims couldn't give 2 squirrel farts about it. Turks take nationalism to an extreme in the Muslim world." I don't care how many farts who can give... Its their problem not mine, I love my country but I know that we dont "take nationalism to an extreme" this is what it has to be if you love your country and your religion. The ppl who dont give 2 squirrel farts is not my problem. I cant make ppl love their country, this is me and I live by my rights.
By the way the correct spelling is "Ataturk" not Atta shirk !
Born 2 Ride - Ride 2 Born