M8s do you know Turkey ?? Do you know what Islam means ?? Do you know the plans after all these "wear scarf-Ban scarf" arguements ?? Do you know that as Muner said "we are a mixture of cultures and religions for ecnturies" ?? What the hell are you ppl talking about saying Ataturk "go to hell ?" Who do you think you are to judge that ?? Do you know that if Ataturk didn't do that reforms and other things (including making all the nation fight against all the countries that wants a piece of us) no one can pray in mosque, no once can fast in Ramadan, no one can decide what to do with their own will ! You are just blubbering about what you don't know !! I'am a TURK, I'am a Muslim. I'am fasting in Ramadan and I pray every night and I know that Ataturk gave us these. There is nothing like "our god Atatürk" kind of thought. How can you call Atatürk "God" ?? Its a sin to call someone "god". Atatürk was not a god and he isn't now also. But he made too many things for Turkey and still some of my ppl can't understand this ?? Where are you m8s, where do you live, are you that blind not to see what he had done ??? And for ppl not from Turkey and dont know anything about Ataturk, please "shut up m8s !" Turkey is a place that every nation and every 1 still wants a piece of us. Because of bosphorus (a strategic place indeed), because of being a bridge between Asia and Europe, because of many many things. So please stop playing tricks and games on Turkey !! Keep in mind that everyone has plans for/from Turkey so they are keeping every issue in Turkey hot. And when they are shaking hands with us most of them backstabbing us also.

Born 2 Ride - Ride 2 Born