Generally I am usually sad that I don't speak too much Arabic, but when I'm in the cinema I am grateful that I only have rudimentary language skills.

I could think of nothing worse than being able to understand all that muttering and name calling that goes on and on in the cinema. At least when it's another language you can sort of block it out.

In my experience, the worst offenders haven't been the boys, but the girls, who sit up the back in the family area and just talk, at full volume, all the way through the movie.

I go to the cinema with Qatari friends who sit in silence and dutifully switch their mobile to silent and behave, so I know that they aren't all that uncivilised, but you do have to wonder why some people behave this way in a cinema.

It's either arrogance (they believe that they don't have to be polite and shut up)


It's ignorance (they believe that they actually aren't annoying and no one really minds).

Either way it really ruins the movie for the rest of us.