LOL TCOM, true, true!

Britexpat...yeah, if you can think of the darkest of deeds, these witch doctors have convinced EDUCATED and ILLITERATE people alike to commit them. I have a friend who received a list with about 20 names of her colleagues on it, with her own name circled in "blood"...apparently a lady at her company wanted to advance her career and contracted a witch doctor to kill off all the colleagues who were in her way or looked at her cross eyed. "They" say people started dying off but after about the 5th death this crazy lady made a fatal mistake; she stopped paying the witch. Well, witch went and outted her. Witchcraft is taken pretty seriously in Africa so you can imagine the panic that ensued. Cops were involved, all that good stuff...

"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie