Nigerian burns £1.2m in bizarre ritual

A Nigerian official obsessed with witchcraft burned £1.2 million of stolen public money and smeared the ashes over his naked body in a bizarre ritual, police said.
Sam Edem, chairman of the Niger Delta Development Commission, is accused of stealing a total of £3.4 million in public money to pay a witchdoctor to cast "juju" spells to secure business contracts and to kill a powerful rival at work.
Part of the black magic reportedly involved Mr Edem burning £1.2 million in cash and then smearing the ashes over his naked body in a cemetery in the middle of the night in a "fortification" ritual.
Mr Edem, who denies the allegations, has been formally charged with theft and criminal conspiracy at the High Court in the capital, Abuja.
He initiated the police investigation himself when he complained that the self-proclaimed sorcerer, Perekabowei Ogah, had tried to swindle him out of millions of pounds and was acting on behalf of political rivals.
But detectives became suspicious when Mr Edem allegedly could not account for how he earned the money in the first place. His lawyers said it was donated by well-wishers to fund an election attempt.
The Niger Delta Development Commission was set up to channel money that the federal government earns from crude oil sales back to the millions who live in poverty in the country's oil-producing region.
Despite initial support from the public, its reputation was quickly tarnished by persistent reports that it achieved little and that senior members of staff were stealing funds.
burnt mo could have been better spent on health-issues in Nigeria.
"t_coffee_or_me said Good morning Novi how is ...
Good morning Novi how is your weekend so far"
---> Sorry tcom, did not see your post. Weekend so far so good. Just potter about and does the usual things around the house. Hope you yourself well xxx
LOL TCOM, true, true!
Britexpat...yeah, if you can think of the darkest of deeds, these witch doctors have convinced EDUCATED and ILLITERATE people alike to commit them. I have a friend who received a list with about 20 names of her colleagues on it, with her own name circled in "blood"...apparently a lady at her company wanted to advance her career and contracted a witch doctor to kill off all the colleagues who were in her way or looked at her cross eyed. "They" say people started dying off but after about the 5th death this crazy lady made a fatal mistake; she stopped paying the witch. Well, witch went and outted her. Witchcraft is taken pretty seriously in Africa so you can imagine the panic that ensued. Cops were involved, all that good stuff...
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Good morning Novi how is your weekend so far
lol tcom ...
how about we move to Africa and start a business like this..
The worst thing is when some of these so called "Witch Doctors" tell the person to carry out a sacrifice ..
There have been cases of children beeing killed or mutilated..
Dont worry he will create an Nigerian Scam and recover his money in no time
"What can you buy with a $7 billion what you can't buy in 4?"
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
You'd be surprised what twits do when these witch doctors spell doom in their lives. All you need is a gullible, greedy person and voila....
To think of all that money that could have been well spent in retiring ladba06, makes my blood boil the injustice of it all!
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach