Oryx said 'unacceptable' (1129) correct
Vukop said 'my god' (1139) correct
Alexa said 'it does'nt matter where' (1236) correct

Read what these people said . They are correct, whether its a hoax or propoganda they are correct.

Panda said 'please stay far from ISLAM...and if you want to learn islam ask the professional person, they are more moderate and they can proof you that islam is the religion of peace and love.....'
Pray tell me which proffesional person should I ask: maybe Bin Laden, maybe one of the people who want to introduce sharia law so they can justify the stoning to death of members etc etc.
I don't want to start somw huge religious argument here but do you ever wonder why Islam gets such a bad press when its the only religion thats carries out such acts, and much worse acts, anywhere in the world.

just eat another pie