ok so what you're saying then is newspapers are all full of $%^& just copy and paste from each other? Where did the reporter find her info? ON QL!!! If you made reference to a book, you would quote the book and its author. So, she should have quoted asarmji AND QL. Why tell half a story...

Mentioning QL would have enhanced the story. It would have made Qatar sit up and realise that QL (for the most part, haha) is a good/reliable source of info and has plenty of diverse opinions that would make for an interesting read...plus we break news here faster than news agencie (kinda) hehe.

Qatari please consider this as my application for the position of QL Public Relations Officer :)

"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie