Firstly, the intention in a forum like this is to seek the opinion of others and share one's own. Nobody is trying to misguide people here!

Tallg...that's a great link you sent so JazakAllahu Khairan for doing that.
I guess the thing to check on would be

"This certificate must accompany products labeled "Halal""

So products that have a Halal label should have the certificate, but ones which are not labeled Halal e.g. Sara Lee sandwich meat or Butterball Turkey, those don't need a Halal certificate??
Btw, Insh'Allah my wife is planning to lead the charge to get to the bottom of this with the authorities after the summer break. Bit hard for me to do it from work. If anybody has any leads or contacts there please do pass them our way. Do we just walk into the ministry of Awqaf!!?

P.S. I do eat Kosher Hotdogs in the US!