This has already been said a million times, I'm sure, but men need to keep their big, stupid mouths shut during a one-night stand. No talk about keeping in touch. No talk about "next time." It only sets them up to look like assholes when they don't follow through on things we didn't care about in the first place—until they mentioned it. Once they say it, then we expect it. If they are trained that to get sex they have to say things they don't mean, then they need to retrain their big, stupid mouths. Women like sex just as much as men. There are many things to do with those mouths instead of talking crap.
Women are culturally trained to feel rejected if a man doesn't "like us." If men really care about not being asses, then they shouldn't say stuff they don't mean—and they should follow through on whatever they do say. If you don't want to follow through, don't say or do anything to the contrary. It's nicer to not leave a woman open to a minor rejection.
Never take her number or e-mail. If you don't have a way to reach her, she can't feel bad if she doesn't hear from you. And only give her yours if you can handle having her use it.
This has already been said a million times, I'm sure, but men need to keep their big, stupid mouths shut during a one-night stand. No talk about keeping in touch. No talk about "next time." It only sets them up to look like assholes when they don't follow through on things we didn't care about in the first place—until they mentioned it. Once they say it, then we expect it. If they are trained that to get sex they have to say things they don't mean, then they need to retrain their big, stupid mouths. Women like sex just as much as men. There are many things to do with those mouths instead of talking crap.
Women are culturally trained to feel rejected if a man doesn't "like us." If men really care about not being asses, then they shouldn't say stuff they don't mean—and they should follow through on whatever they do say. If you don't want to follow through, don't say or do anything to the contrary. It's nicer to not leave a woman open to a minor rejection.
Never take her number or e-mail. If you don't have a way to reach her, she can't feel bad if she doesn't hear from you. And only give her yours if you can handle having her use it.