Infidelity is perhaps the hardest and most hurtful thing that a couple will ever go through. Often the word infidelity and adultery are interchanged and most people when they hear those words immediately think that it means that one of the partners in the relationship had an affair with someoneelse.

What many people fail to remember is that infidelity is more than sex, it is an intimate relationship of any type with another person outside of the relationship. This includes the new friend of the opposite sex that you or your partner is spending quality time with talking about personal things etc. It is the surfing on the internet for adult chat rooms and adult sites and dating sites. Infidelity is the breach of trust that a committed couple shares.

It is very clear that something was lacking in your relation. Disclosing his affair does not make him a saint. They will always have the tendency to stray. If you really want him, give him a chance. No law can prevent that lady from your husband. HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOULD PUT A FULL STOP TO IT.