pay 2000 a month. He drives the hubby to work, then ferries the wife and kiddies around. He washes the car and takes care of all maintenance etc. He has Fri & Sat off. They also pay his mobile fees and a trip home each year. He does not live in. This is cheaper in the long run than a part-time driver as they can charge anywhere from 20-40 per trip and are not at all dependable.
pay 2000 a month. He drives the hubby to work, then ferries the wife and kiddies around. He washes the car and takes care of all maintenance etc. He has Fri & Sat off. They also pay his mobile fees and a trip home each year. He does not live in. This is cheaper in the long run than a part-time driver as they can charge anywhere from 20-40 per trip and are not at all dependable.