that cause these problems, it is the way that it make the people act. You lend someone money and because that person does not want to pay you at time, does not want to pay you at all or for any other reasons can't make it in time ...
You will see that person, telling lies, ignoring your calls, avoiding you, trying to move to another place, trying to do something bad to pay you back.
Money by itself was never a problem, we all do find ourselves in a situation where we need to borrow money. If you will come to tell me, I'm sorry my friend but I can't pay you at that time just wanted to inform you to give me another chance to pay you as I have nothing at the moment. I would of course understand that person, appreciate his/her honesty knowing that they are really in need I won't be having any problems in doing so.
If on the other hand I will find someone doing the opposite, ok it is the time for him/her to pay. He/she did not, it is one week late, two weeks ... He/She is not answering my calls, what went wrong? What is happening? Did she/he tried to fool me?Take my money and run away? Of course all of these doubts that you put me will lead to the worst ...
Even if you paid me later, I would never lend you money again. I will warn other people from lending you money as it's my duty being a friend to tell them the truth. I might be doing you a favor, if you already lost my friendship you might keep yours with them ... not unless you are getting close to people to borrow money and then run away ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
that cause these problems, it is the way that it make the people act. You lend someone money and because that person does not want to pay you at time, does not want to pay you at all or for any other reasons can't make it in time ...
You will see that person, telling lies, ignoring your calls, avoiding you, trying to move to another place, trying to do something bad to pay you back.
Money by itself was never a problem, we all do find ourselves in a situation where we need to borrow money. If you will come to tell me, I'm sorry my friend but I can't pay you at that time just wanted to inform you to give me another chance to pay you as I have nothing at the moment. I would of course understand that person, appreciate his/her honesty knowing that they are really in need I won't be having any problems in doing so.
If on the other hand I will find someone doing the opposite, ok it is the time for him/her to pay. He/she did not, it is one week late, two weeks ... He/She is not answering my calls, what went wrong? What is happening? Did she/he tried to fool me?Take my money and run away? Of course all of these doubts that you put me will lead to the worst ...
Even if you paid me later, I would never lend you money again. I will warn other people from lending you money as it's my duty being a friend to tell them the truth. I might be doing you a favor, if you already lost my friendship you might keep yours with them ... not unless you are getting close to people to borrow money and then run away ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)