Baedebok, sometimes I can hardly believe you hold some of your opinions. Actually perhaps it's someone like you who needs to be investigated. After all, you did ask on a public forum how one should hit their child, how hard, how many times, etc. To me, that is scary.
And clearly the government do not think everyone guilty until proven ionnocent as their are many children worldwide dying at the hands of their parents or being physically or emotionally abused.
How dare you be so selfish towards children who need intervention to protect them from their cruel parents just because you think you're doing an OK job. Most countries realise that not every parent is capable of raising a child and have social services in an attempt to help. However, these tireless social workers are underpaid and undervalued with huge caseloads involving many hostile clients.
Pah, I should know better. You, after all, even coming from Canada which is one of the leaders in child car safety, cobbled together two halves of car seats that you found in the garbage and transported your daughter around like that. Would you do that in Canada? did you do that here just because you thought you could get away with it?
Baedebok, sometimes I can hardly believe you hold some of your opinions. Actually perhaps it's someone like you who needs to be investigated. After all, you did ask on a public forum how one should hit their child, how hard, how many times, etc. To me, that is scary.
And clearly the government do not think everyone guilty until proven ionnocent as their are many children worldwide dying at the hands of their parents or being physically or emotionally abused.
How dare you be so selfish towards children who need intervention to protect them from their cruel parents just because you think you're doing an OK job. Most countries realise that not every parent is capable of raising a child and have social services in an attempt to help. However, these tireless social workers are underpaid and undervalued with huge caseloads involving many hostile clients.
Pah, I should know better. You, after all, even coming from Canada which is one of the leaders in child car safety, cobbled together two halves of car seats that you found in the garbage and transported your daughter around like that. Would you do that in Canada? did you do that here just because you thought you could get away with it?
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