We know where "our" country begins and ends, and while some of us are perfectly contect to let the French and English tell us where that is, some of us know a little bit more about our history.
The fact of the matter is that Lebanon is NOT a democracy (its a joke when the political positions are divvied up by religion), and IF it were, we all know the current government would fall in an instant. ONLY support from foreign powers are keeping it in place, so to blame Hezbollah for being foreign supported is a tad bit hypocritical (despite my personal opinions of Iran).
As for disarming the ONLY resitance force we have (even if they are a bunch of loonies), because lets face it, the goverment can't defend the Lebanese from Israely Agression, plays into the hands of the enemies of Lebanon.
Just to sum up my opinion, i'm not a fan of ANY religious political party (which is pretty much ALL of the ones in Lebanon Except maybe the SSNP and the Communist Party), i'm am also against disarming the only resistance we have until the military is capable of defending our sovreinty....and as the Nahr El Bared icident highlighted, that's not going to happen anytime soon!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
We know where "our" country begins and ends, and while some of us are perfectly contect to let the French and English tell us where that is, some of us know a little bit more about our history.
The fact of the matter is that Lebanon is NOT a democracy (its a joke when the political positions are divvied up by religion), and IF it were, we all know the current government would fall in an instant. ONLY support from foreign powers are keeping it in place, so to blame Hezbollah for being foreign supported is a tad bit hypocritical (despite my personal opinions of Iran).
As for disarming the ONLY resitance force we have (even if they are a bunch of loonies), because lets face it, the goverment can't defend the Lebanese from Israely Agression, plays into the hands of the enemies of Lebanon.
Just to sum up my opinion, i'm not a fan of ANY religious political party (which is pretty much ALL of the ones in Lebanon Except maybe the SSNP and the Communist Party), i'm am also against disarming the only resistance we have until the military is capable of defending our sovreinty....and as the Nahr El Bared icident highlighted, that's not going to happen anytime soon!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?