War in Lebanon

By Aisha-Taweela •
I have not received any details but it seems that there is another Civil War in Lebanon.
People are walking in the streets with AK47's. Watch the news for details
Lets all pray for the poor civilians.
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It is clearly you who does not want to acknowledge reality.....sorry to burst your bubble bro, but History does NOT start in 1948 or even 1922....you accuse me of only watching manar (which I do along with CNN, because the truth lies somewhere in the middle of both propaganda machines I suspect).....and yet you are the one who is not even listening to what I say because of your irrational fear of Syria.
Send weapons to Lebanon's army??? you mean the organization that clashed with armed thugs in a camp in the north and ran out of ammo in 24 hours? the same army which is NOT allowed by your idols the US to rearm lest it disrupt Israel's carte blanche to violate our sovreignty at will? the same army which flees and hides in its bunkers when we are attacked again and again?
IF you really want to help Lebanon defend itself, then the resistance is the ONLY option because the Lebanese army has been rendered toothless!
I am not defending everything done by anyone who ever was or is a Communist or a member of the SSNP....but my loyalties lie with my ancestral homeland (The Syrian Fertile Crescent) as well as Canada....now If you want to assume that automatically means the Arab Republic of Syria's Assads, then thats is YOUR misunderstanding....but I know for a fact that you know better bro.
Your attempts to equate Syria with Israel is not even comical, it is downright disturbing....and your attempts to justify the Lebanese constitution (despite its lunacy ) shows just how much you have been brainwashed into accepting the status quo that Lebanon must remain weak and divided....that's one of the reasons so many have fled to a better life abroad....and thankfully Canada took us in....we are lucky, most Lebanese would love to have that opportunity.
Regardless of what you think of my views, I advocate debate to convince your fellow citizens and not armed conflict....so lets hope cooler heads prevail as quickly as possible and precious human life is not squandered....again I sincerely hope your family, and all Lebanese remain safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Those who are worried about Lebanon and want to help our country against Israel, then let them send weapons to the Lebanese army instead of sending it to militias and gangs and terorrists like Hizbulla and your SSNP friends.
I know very well but it seems you do not know and you do not like to read. Please do read again my prior comment. Hizbulla has no favor to the majority. On the contrary. 14 March gave Hizbulla a couple of seats in Beirut and Western Bikaa. And am telling this story in reply to your comment that the opposition is the majority in Beirut. You like to escape forward. How can 17 members out of 18 represent minority? I would recommend to stop watching Al Manar TV and Syrian TV. Or at least widen your exposure and sources then weigh things.
Thank you for mentioning the 1000s of Lebanese and Palestinians imprisoned in Syria without trials and without knowing their where abouts. Since decades.
If you are talking about the 3 prinsoners in Israel, they are POWs and they are having their rights as prisoners whether by having a trial or by being allowed to continue their education. Samir Al Kintar who because of him Nasralla destroyed the country and had more than 1000 Lebanese killed and about 10000 wounded, let aside the billions of dollars in losses. He (Samir Al Kintar) earned his bachelor degree while in prison. And he is still in prison despite the huge losses and they (Hizbulla and its masters and intes orchestra) claim they did achieve a victory. Our prisoners in Syria are treated worse than those in Abu Gharib or Guantanamou.
Thank God you are Canadian (as you claim) and you have nothing to do with our constitution.
Now I know everything I say will not find its way to you by any means. It is my fault initiallty to participate in this argument coz I forgot that SSNPers and Communists keep arguing till the turtle become a rabbit.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I do not support Bashar's pictures in Lebanon either....and in theory an armed militia like Hezbollah shouldn't have a place...but what justifies it and their com network is the lack of a goverment capable of defending our sovreignty.
You know very well that the ONLY reason the March 14 has a parliamentary majory was their deal with Hezbollah before the election which they have now reneged on...IF an election were held tomorrow, you KNOW they would not be a majority and Aoun would probably be president (despite my personal dislike of him).
Syria and indeed the entire Arab World's overtures to Israel is troubling, and i'm 100% against capitulation....yes everybody wants peace, but there can be no lasting peace without justice....while our lands are occupied and our citizens are imprisoned without trial.....i'm not a warmonger, but I am against living under the yolk of an agressor without your dignity, therefore I am pro resistance to Israel.....what I am AGAINST (and I cannot stress this enough) is civil war....what is hapenning now! I am not justifying what Hezbollah is doing, I am simply saying that they alone are not to blame....its all our faults that we are so fractured and allow ourselves to become proxy wars for regional powers....and that blasted constitution which needs to be BURNT!
I hope your family, and indeed all the Lebanese, stay safe!
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Its dirty politics polluting minds towards violence and terrorism...... and its every where.... east, west.... first world third world..... americas asia..... The peace loving people who are in majority has to come up and stop this non-sense..... Otherwise everything will be finished..... Coz it is a chain reaction.... We, living in Qatar peacefully, are in fools paradise if we think that war in some other place will not affect us.... We are with the people of Lebanon in this hour of need....
About opposition share and presence in Beirut. In the recent parliamentary elections, Opposition had one candidate win out of 18. The balance (17 members) were the share of 14 March movement. AT that time, Hizbulla did order its fellowers to vote against 14 March candidates.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
it seems you read the news you like and ignore what you do not like. Syria is now licking the a$$ of Israel for a deal by signing a peace treaty, restoring its occupied territories and then lease Goulan Heights to Israel for 99 years. So who is running after Israel?
It is easy to distribute patriotic and fellowship certificates but you should review read the history properly.
Junublat whom you consider is supported by Israel did not enroll in any battle against the Palestinians. Where as Amal movement did beseige them and kill 100s of them. Some of current Hizbulla leaders did participate in such massacres against the Palestinians. Let aside Hizbulla role in eliminating most of the National Movement leaders who were (the National Movement) at that time resisting the Israeli occupation to Lebanon.
The other joke about communication network and doing a favor to Israel, wonder what justifies an illegal land line phone network wih a capacity of 99,999 lines. And mind you. The E-bomb is an easy way to disable the such land lines which can be easily done by Israel without waiting the claimed favors of the Lebanese legal government.
So the justification of Hizbulla is a complete BS. They have their plans and they are now inviting Islamic radicalists by preparing a fertile ground for al Qaeda and similar groups to start playing their games in Lebanon.
As a Lebanese I do not accept that anybody remove the pics of any Lebanese leader from the streets and replace it by the pics of Bashar Asad. This is what happens now - if you are following the news on TV.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Its no secret that they are funded and supported by Iran....but you are naive or intentionally turning a blind eye if you think the march 14 coalition is also not supported and funded by outside forces....namely the US and Israel....and IF KH you do not know what kind of support Gageagae and Jumblat get from Israel then you should look into it bro...
I disagree with the method they chose to resolve the deadlock, but Hizbollah did not invade Beirut....the Opposition ARE at least half of beirut if not more....and while I diasgree with closing down the future stations.....its not different from when the goverment tries to close down the resistance's communication network and do Israel's bidding.....like I say, better Damascus than Tel Aviv.
But I hope the skirmishes end soon with minimal loss of life....we are all citizens of this country and have innocent family caught up in this.....I wish this could have been resolved with debate and not gunfire....I also sincerely hope evryone's family and loved ones stay safe!
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Well then I am against that action. They shouldn't have and its none of their business to do such things. This is how we look at all aspects, making wise choices.
They're partially right thexonic. Hezbollah raided the tv station, scared everyone out, closed it down and THEN put it under the Lebanese forces' supervision.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Alexa u r not wrong. It''s 100% correct.
See corne, Al manar channel says that the Lebanese Forces took over the Future Tv Station... I dont believe either one of them.
Well thexonic, how can we look at it from all aspects (as u say) when Hezbollah closed down Future tv station ??
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Now I know this story is probably full of crap to most of the people, like u said Future movement are not militas. I could even agree to ur point, but then I would be wrong, because its a news from Al manar, a tv channel for Hezb Allah. We cannot just look at violence from one side and make a judgement and give names to people. We have to look at it from all aspects. No one is innocent in war.
The Lebanese National Opposition announced western Beirut under its control, according to AFP.
Calm has prevailed in most areas in the Lebanese capital Beirut, after
the latest incidents saw the mercenaries of the Mustakbal militia flee
from most neighborhoods. Residents as well as National Opposition
loyalists forced Mustakabal gunmen to lay down their arms and
surrender. From the Watwat area to Zaydaniyeh, Tamer Mallat
neighborhood, Tallet al-Khayyat, Karakon Druz, Jnah, Ras el-Nabeh,
Nweiri, Basta and elsewhere, Mustakbal militiamen surrendered and
others fled as Lebanese Army forces deployed in the regions.
Sunni forces in Beirut contacted al-Manar TV to express relief that
their city has become free of mercenaries. They also expressed regret
that the Mustakbal militia has deceived young men working in security
firms and brought them from northern Lebanon under the pretext of
protecting some institutions. Al-Manar interviewed some of these young
men who have been captured by opposition forces. One of them said that
he and other young men were brought into Beirut as part of their job as
private security men. He added that when they arrived to the capital,
Mustakbal militiamen gave them weapons to fight opposition forces. The
fatigued young man said that he was not aware of any fighting and that
he was abandoned along with his colleagues, lost in the streets of
Beirut and unaware of what's going on. "I did not come form north
Lebanon to fight anyone. My family is poor. I work in a security firm
and I earn 400$ per month. They brought us and gave us arms. We refused
because this was not our job. We laid down our arms and surrendered
because we neither want to kill nor get killed for nothing," the young
man said.
Mustakbal and Progressive Socialist Party militiamen also surrendered in the regions of Khaldeh, Aramoun and Bchamoun.
Meanwhile, the Mustakbal media outlets, namely Future TV stations,
Al-Sharq radio station, Liwa' newspaper have stopped broadcasting since
the early hours of Friday. Future TV employyes made extensive calls to
evacuate them from the building after Mustakbal militiamen abandoned
them. The Lebanese Army took control of the Future TV building.
Moreover, opposition supporters took the mission of protecting the
residence of Interior Minister in Fouad Saniora's unconstitutional
government, Hasan Sabaa, after his protection body fled the perimeter
of his dwelling.
The head of the Progressive Socialist
Party MP Walid Jumblatt has reportedly requested personal protection
and was evacuated from his residence in Clemanceau, escorted by
Lebanese army forces, according to media reports.
However the Druz MP denied such reports.
KH, we both know what good things did Future movement did and HezbAllah did. But right now, they both need to stop. Perhaps what is the source of your information about HezbAllah, I would like to read more about these things. By the way when u mentioned Ayatollah Khamenai, u provoked alot of Shiites, he's our religious leader not a politician. So just to clear out that I wasnt the one who brought up the religion here, it was u when u mentioned Ayatollah Khameniai.
nice cut and paste. this story is very old and would like you to enlighten us how is Cole playing a role in today's civil/sectarian war
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
future movement is not a militia to surrender. they have offices for social aid and you know that very well. did you forget when they sent at least 30000 students during the civil war to study at universities and have the bachelor/masters/PhDs. Is that a crime?
they are simply civilians who are social workers. Hizbulla does not like this and wants to bribe and influence the Lebanese through the "clean" money they are getting from Iran and giving to its fellowers. This money is mainly the oil stolen from Iraq and revenues from drugs smuggling business
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I have many Lebanese friends and feel sad at what's happening there.. However, things in politics are not always black and white.. The current situation has been developing for many months.. As for the USS Cole.. The following article may shed some light..
The March to War: USS Cole gives the war jitters to Lebanon
Three US Warships arrive off Lebanese coast
Global Research, March 1, 2008
Middle East Times - 2008-02-29
A U.S. decision to dispatch three warships, including the USS Cole, to the coast of Lebanon to "show support for regional stability" is causing jitters within the country that such an overt show of foreign military strength is likely to exacerbate its political crisis.
Pentagon officials announced that the guided-missile destroyer USS Cole left Malta for Lebanon on Tuesday, because of "concern about the situation in Lebanon," which is suffering the worst political crisis since the end of its 1975-1990 civil war.
The politically-divided Lebanese see the move as a show of force intended to threaten Syria and Iran, the backers of the Hezbollah-led opposition that Washington accuses of obstructing the election of a president, a post that has been vacant since pro-Syrian Emile Lahoud's term expired in November.
While Hezbollah slammed the U.S. deployment as "military intervention" to support the anti-Syrian ruling majority and the government, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora on Friday indicated he had not sought American help, and particularly not through a show of military force.
Speaking to Arab ambassadors in Beirut, Siniora said in televised remarks that no warships were currently in Lebanese territorial waters, and that his government did "not ask anyone to send warships."
Earlier, Siniora summoned U.S. charge d'affaires Michele Sison to clarify the presence of the USS Cole, a government source told AFP news agency. "Mrs. Sison assured him that the warship was in international waters and had been dispatched to guarantee regional stability," the unidentified source said.
In an attempt to dispel opposition fears that the U.S.-backed ruling camp would welcome U.S. military support, Siniora implied that U.S. destroyers near Lebanon constituted a violation of the country's sovereignty.
"We reiterate our commitment to defend the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon, which will not become a field for settling regional conflicts," he said.
Independent Lebanese analysts in Beirut told the Middle East Times the government had no choice but to denounce the presence of U.S. destroyers, which the Pentagon said would "not be visible" from Lebanon's coast.
The U.S. show of force might be intended to back up the ruling majority by flexing its muscles at Syria and Iran, the analysts said, but warned it could do more harm than good; and probably would only verify opposition accusations that their political adversaries were "America's dogs," as one analyst put it.
Political analyst George Alam told the Middle East Times that the destroyers were sent to pressure the opposition into electing a president in the parliamentary vote set for March 11. But, he predicted the opposition would not submit to this kind of pressure and that the vote was fated to be postponed for the 16th time.
Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah organization retorted that it was not afraid of U.S. military threats, whatever the reason - to frighten the opposition into retracting their demand for veto power in a new government or to weaken their resistance against Israel.
Alam said the presence of the destroyers off the coast of Lebanon in the East Mediterranean Sea – particularly the USS Cole, which suffered an al-Qaida attack in the Yemeni port of Aden that killed 17 American sailors in 2000 – could easily ignite internal Lebanese fighting, which could potentially escalate into a confrontation with Syria and Iran.
The U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Michael Mullen, confirmed that the decision was to show American "engagement" in the region, but he said it was not "absolutely tied" to the Lebanese presidential vote.
"To say it is absolutely tied would be incorrect, although certainly we are aware elections are due there at some point in time," Mullen said, adding that a presence in the region was important, but that the United States was not sending signals to any one country.
"That's a very important part of the world and stability there [in the region] is an important outcome for us," he said.
I didnt just blame future movment, I blamed HezbAllah first. Now lets just hope and pray for the safety of our families.
KH, I take it back if u dont support them. I mentioned the word shia because all these political parties are based on religion more than politics. I dont support anyone of them and I think thats the right thing to do.
There are no crimes from Future movement cuz they are surrendering, according to Al manar, which is a good thing and in my opinion, HezbAllah should do the same.
Well I don't see the future movement on the streets killing people and completely destroying the city. If Hezbollah was fighting for their own causes, I would understand; however, they're not! They're fighting for Iran's cause! And when someone turns their back on their own country and people just for the sake of a "higher" command then I will consider them my enemy since they are the country's enemy. How can u blame Future movement when Hezbollah are the ones on the streets right now as we speak ???
Let me say, I don't like politics and I try not to get involved. But now the safety of my family and the future of my city is at risk, and I'm against whoever is causing this terrorism.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
where did yu see Cole in the recent events? and for your information, it is in the inernational part of the mediterranean
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
please do mention Future movement crimes as you claim. and man do not spoil the thread. before you popped in, nobody mentioned the word Shiia. Also, how did you assue that am Future movement supporter? did I mention anything about that? I talked about the inocent civilians and yes am taking the side of the legal government. is that a crime or a mistake?
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I respect ur support for Future movement, but they are not innocent angels either... if u mention HezbAllah's crimes, u should also mention future movement's.
I must disagree. the US has "advised" the Lebanese government. it also has trainers for the forces and the fleet, including the USS Cole is in Lebanese waters. Do you really believe that the USA is not meddling?
Supporter of 1 politician is enemy of another... I'm not one of them.
I disagree with all of u, Everyone who's supports war weather its hezbAllah, Future movement, Aounist or whoever the hell it may be, needs to stop or leave the country and let the neutral people play the role. All this politicall bullsh*t is involving religions in it and its not making things any better, I am a Shiite muslim and I support HezbAllah as long as resistance is involved, cuz thats every human's right. But I will not support actions taken against innocent civilians and I do not support them using Islam in politics... both of them have nothing to do with each other. I have friends who are with almost every single political party in lebanon, now im not gonna ruin my relationship with them just cuz of this political drama.
HezbAllah is at fault and so is Future movment... there's no taking sides. I know alot of people start supporting their political parties even more and fighting wiht their friends just cuz they are with the opposition or in this case supporting syria or israel or iran or usa, but I am against everyone who has an intention of war, weather its usa or iran, talking of bigger picture, we cant just blame only iran or only usa... they both r responsible.
among the victims of yesterday's events (11 killed) are a woman and her 5 years old son. Each received one bullet in the head . Those who have some sense know it is a cold-blooded assasination.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Iran and Syria are sending weapons, training terrorists and building Hizbulla state infrastructue. Hizbulla is a blind obedient to Iran through the doctrine of Wilayat al Faqih. It means to obey the intructions of the so-called Faqih (who by definition cannot be mistaken at all) who is now Ayatullah Ali Khameneie.
USA and EU are dealing with us politically. We (our government) agree with them on some point and disagree on others. Those are not apples to apples to be compared and pur on the same scale.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I also posted this on FB...a heart tugging video.
Life in Beirut will go on as normal. They are used to it. The problems, in my opinion are caused by outside parties who are trying to meddle in Lebanon's affairs. This includes the West (USA, Britain, France) and also Iran and Syria.
It's so sad to see the streets of Beirut so empty and filled with fear. They have sucked out the life of the city, it used to be such a vibrant, busy city and now they only thing u hear is the firing of their guns. I don't understand how they could do all of this to their OWN country and countrymen. I don't consider them Lebanese anymore. I can't believe they're being allowed to do all this!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
That will not be much different than the new Beirut. They can reach anywhere. We do not have militia or gangs to fight them. We do not fight our neighbors. They do. They do not not respect friend or relatives or neighbors. Wonder how can they be considered Muslims having such values .
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Thank u KH for putting it so clearly. Was planning to go visit in summer, since we haven't been there since the war in 2006...so much for that plan
They even reached Ras Beirut!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Israel: closed Beirut Airport
Hizbulla:closed Beirut Airport
Israel: Closed sea port
Hizbulla: Closed sea port
Israel: attacked mainly military targets
Hizbulla: attacking civilians including children/preganat women/seniors
Israel: attacked communication/broadcasting towers (realised later that some channels/frequencies were used by Hizbulla for military use)
Hizbulla: attacking pro-government tv/radio stations and newspapers
Israel: horrified civilians because of the war
Hizbulla: horrifying and attacking civilians. raiding houses, destroying business outlets/personal cars
to conclude: Hizbulla is transfering terrorism technology and dictatorial democracy from Iran/Syria to Lebanon
RR. Thank you for asking and I value much your civilized discussion. Although we might not agree much. Yes I have a lot of relatives in Beirut
Red Pope. Have your confession booth ready. You will have booming business.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Hezbollah defending the country ? That must be the best joke I've heard! I don't think hezbollah has an ounce of patriotism towards Lebanon, if they did, they wouldn't be on the streets terrorizing everyone and causing such chaos. They have their own agenda, or more like they have Syria's and Iran's agenda. They don't give two craps about Lebanon or the Lebanese people, they just want to drag Syria back in and take over.
As for supporters of Hezbollah, I'm pretty sure they are not the majority. If anything, it might be 50/50 pro vs. against hezbollah. Everyone I know, including myself, are against it. They have no right whatsoever to just take over the capital just because they don't like the government. WTF happened to democracy ??! What about OUR voices ???
Oh and they shut down "future" tv station, what right do they have to do that ??? Soon they'll be shutting down all the tv stations except their own and run the damn country the way they f***ing want!
May Rafek Hariri rest peace....only he was able to keep them all quiet.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Yes casanova, May peace prevail on earth....
May peace prevail on earth
Daiman Ma'ak ya lebanon...
“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”
Martin Luther King.
I would choose to live free, or die trying to defend the freedom that is my children's birthright!
I don't think you will find 2 people who disagree with this...the tricky notion is when perceptions come into play....what do you perceive as freedom and what do you preceive as a life under the gun?
I think this is where KH and I disagree for instance....he sees Hizbullah as the party holding the gun, whereas I see Israel....so while we both want to be free, we do not perceive the same threat....and that is what makes us all human.
(sorry I tied it into the Israel-Lebanon thing because that's been weighing so heavily on my mind)....but I am staunch supporter of the universal inaliable human rights....which includes all personal freedoms and the nation's right to self determination.
A very thought provoking question, and I thank you for it.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Your confession is a unique Interesting notion of unique personal opinion.
The question lays down too: How do you wish to live your life? Under the gun of a political party? or Free to choose without the gunpowder of a gun?
That is not including the issues of Israel and Lebanon.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
-- Will Rogers
I hope they are all fine.
Stay safe bro.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I on the other hand will take Syria (despite its shortcomings)....historically my own nation....over Israel (and its religious doctrine that says we are put on this earth to serve gods chosen people, ie them) any day of the week that ends in "y"!
And I guess the only way to know for sure where the majority of Lebanese stand would be to have a referendum tomorrow.....let every person cast 1 vote either pro resistance or capitulation....and I think you'll find that your are in the vast minority....for most Lebanese, the expression: "live free or die" is not just a cool slogan to put on a T-shirt.
Stay safe.
P.S. For the record I would not be happy living in either Syria or Israel....but I would re-model them after Canada if I could!
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Bless be the man of peace...
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
-- Will Rogers
I prefer living in Israel to living in Syria or Iran or a under the mercy of hizbulla. At least Israel respect its Arab citizens and they have their right and freedom better than any of the other mentioned countries.
And the majority of Lebanese are 100% against hizbulla and they are fed up with the resistance theory and its baners. they simply want to live in peace.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I know the SSNP and Communists are not what they used to be...and yes they are forced to take sides with Syria....but your irrational fear of Syria is puzzling....I mean you are well read enough to know our History....Syria is NOT Bashar Al Assad.....the Baathist will not rule it forever....we are one nation wether you want to admit it or not....and putting them on par with Israel (as our enemies) is a serious error....Lebanon will never be self sufficient...and our constitution is not an accidental occurence bro....the colonial powers drew it up for a reason!
Though I am not an active memeber of ANY political party in Lebanon.....I still think that the SSNP and Communists Ideologies at least (not their political leadership and position they have taken) are the ONLY remotely possible ideologies to believe in that will NOT lead to civil war.
And like I said, i'm not a Hezbollah suporter (in the sense of their ideology), but I know that the reality on the ground today is that they pretty much have monopolized the resistance and the March 14 coalition will NOT defend Lebanon from Israely aggression. Targetting their communication network is treason in THIS case.
In a normal country, no internal group or militia should have this kind of network, and it should be the army's purview to defend the nation.....but we all know in today's Lebanon only Hezbollah is even willing to try....that's why I am defending their right to bear arms in defense of the country.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
You have real Deep and interesting knowledge.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
-- Will Rogers
put aside your SSNP believes and ideas. hizbulla is not the only resistance we have. lebanese people are the resistance. you know well how did JAMMOUL start and who started it. But it seems yuou forgot that syria with the help of hisbulla destroyed JAMMOUL and granted exclusive dealership to huzbulla to play the role of resistance. The parties you are proud of (SSNP and Communists) are annexes to syria and iran. they are no more the parties we used to know. they are becoming sub-agents and followers to Wilayat Al Faqeeh through the exclusive agent - hizbulla
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
But the opposite claim can just as easily be made:
The March 14 coalition should just go to Tel Aviv and leave the proud and free people of Lebanon to resist the enemy's occupation of their lands.
The majority of Lebanese HAVE made their choice...and they are pro-resistance....that's just a democratic outcome that the US and Israel don't like....they push democrary until the will of the people yields results unfavorable (like a Shia gvt in Iraq if true democracy was allowed....like Hamas in the Palestinian territories....like Hezbollah in Lebanon).
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I have to agree with Kelly Heroes, Hezbollah needs to go back to Syria and leave the people of Lebanon alone to decided their future. They are just using the ISRAEL excuse!
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
-- Will Rogers
Although we may be on opposing ends of the political spectrum....this in no way justifies what is happening in the streets of Beirut....our hearts weep while our enemies rejoice.
I hope everyone stays safe!
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
We know where "our" country begins and ends, and while some of us are perfectly contect to let the French and English tell us where that is, some of us know a little bit more about our history.
The fact of the matter is that Lebanon is NOT a democracy (its a joke when the political positions are divvied up by religion), and IF it were, we all know the current government would fall in an instant. ONLY support from foreign powers are keeping it in place, so to blame Hezbollah for being foreign supported is a tad bit hypocritical (despite my personal opinions of Iran).
As for disarming the ONLY resitance force we have (even if they are a bunch of loonies), because lets face it, the goverment can't defend the Lebanese from Israely Agression, plays into the hands of the enemies of Lebanon.
Just to sum up my opinion, i'm not a fan of ANY religious political party (which is pretty much ALL of the ones in Lebanon Except maybe the SSNP and the Communist Party), i'm am also against disarming the only resistance we have until the military is capable of defending our sovreinty....and as the Nahr El Bared icident highlighted, that's not going to happen anytime soon!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
but it seems you forgot about Iran-Contra gate. Wonder where did Iran stand and where is it standing now knowing that it helped USA to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and the pro-Iranians in Iraq keep saying "thank you America"
How can you judge that the government coalition is pro USA and Israel? How are they helping the coalition?
At least Iran is sending weapons, money, torrorists professionals to train terrorists in Lebanon.
How can you put a heavily armored gangs and militia on the same level with civilians. Did you know that what hizbulla is doing now is exactly the same as what the Israelis are doing to civilians in Palestine. They are simply attacking and killing unarmored people and horrifying civilians.
To me. Israel and Iran are the same. Even I consider Iran is worse because they are claiming to be Muslim brothers. Where as we know that Israel is an enemy. USA is a country we can agree with on some issues and we can disagree on some.
Let's not mix things together.
If hizbulla wants to fight Israel, then let them go to your country - syria - and try to fight Israel from there. Our lands are liberated and we have our own army and the UN forces on the border between Lebanon and Israel.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Lets at least be fair and point out that while Hezbollah is indeed in league with Iran and Syria, the March 14 coalition is in League with Israel and the United States.....so if its a choice of who you want pulling your strings, its not much of a choice!
As for Lebanon's "secratrian" troubles: the entire constitution is a recipe for blood (not to mention the most retarded piece of crap ever written)....until its scrapped and reworked entirely, then I fear Lebanon will forever be under threat of civil strife.
I hope all who have families there stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Its disgusting Cornellian, I know...
They had to bribe Hezbollah to let them out! And yet when 300 Iranians landed, they were assisted and welcomed into the country! WTF ?!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Some people have been stranded in the airport...
Well the airport's closed, roads are blocked, most shops and companies are closed, universities are closed too. My friends have exams which have been postponed due the riots. Basically, it's complete chaos. Will a civil war break out? Likely. Perhaps a civil war would bring an end to the escalating tensions for the past 2 years, or maybe it'll get worse and end up in a regional war. Damn u Hezbollah! Grrrr...
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
I've got too many Lebanese friend who are beautiful inside and outside who are happy to be here in Qatar and I never heard them any single moan or bitterness being here in Middle East, Oman, Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar. So I supposed Lebanese are one of the most greatful people! I just love my Lebanes friend more and more everyday. after all the pain and troubles they have in life they are still precious and trustworthy. pity about their country. Thanks to all Middle Eastern for rescuing them! They are precious people
It's great 2 b loved!
Im sure all the Lebanese in Qatar appreciate that...
We want to be first in line to reach out our helping hands. Wallah.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________
Thanks DG...Mystica has a good point too, Qatar has opened the doors to many Lebanese people which i really commend them for...
According to my Lebanese friends they are greatful to have jobs here and the Qatari are generous enough to give them a job here! So you don't need to tell DG to rescue them as they already did!
It's great 2 b loved!
Nadt, that is the tragedy of conflict. I feel very sorry for displaced people. The sacrifices they have made for their families to have a life lived in peace, and hopefully prosperity. They always feel strongly the pull of their homeland.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________
Thanks Alexa..so am I......
Good point DG, I remember my mother til this day, feels sad that she doesnt live in the country she grew up in and wanted to live due to years of war, she migrated over 30 years ago and sadly things havent changed, theres still no peace there..
lol Alexa...
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________
My wish refers to other country to be generous enough to offer countries who are in need of rescuing. there maybe milions but we have enough country in this world who should and try to understand what is the meaning of life! God only knows the answer and the grant for all of this wishes.
It's great 2 b loved!
How on earth can a whole country upsticks and leave? It's just not that simple. That would be 4 million people on the move. it's their country, their earth, their history. Most people don't want to leave their own land. The problems have to be resolved internally. And that is the biggest problem.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________
True mystica, sometimes i feel guilty that thank god i dont have to live in a war torn country, unlike some...i feel really bad for people who dont have a choice..
I hope we all can live in peace
And I wish some country offers the same deals as when they are offerring Saddam to live in Bahrain. I wish some country rulers has the sense to rescue other people who are in need of rescuing. I wish! and my wish will never end until I heard people feel safer as I feel here in Qatar.
It's great 2 b loved!
Mystica, some people dont have the luxury to go to another country, its not about sense, some have no other alternative and are stuck there, thats even worse...
sad! but you see? we can't do anything for them! anywhere in the world when there's war you would think they would have the sense to go somewhere else safe, but no! It's not that easy, and you cannot dictate them what's the best thing to do as they are very much attached to their country and culture so they end up just hoping that someday it will end.
It's great 2 b loved!
Hiya Mystica...It is very sad, i dont live there and i feel like enough is enough, i cant imagine what they are going through, especially the young generation who instead of focusing on their "future", have to put up with this on going saga.
On the news yeterday, their was a very young boy, he probably want more than 10 yo, talking politics with rage in his eyes, I mean how sad is that, most 10 yo are worried about little things, and this guy is into politics because he is faced with this all the time...
Clashes between Hezbollah and supporters of the coalition. Onging siege in Beirut.
Allah protect our Lebanese brothers and sisters. They have endured so much for so long.
Let there be peace. Let there be peace.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________
Me too! I have lots of Lebanese friend and they are lovely, very friendly and peaceful people but whenever the tell story about their own country it's pretty sad it breaks my heart!
It's great 2 b loved!
Me too Alexa.. It seems like no one is cutting them a break....Its endless for them. How much more can they tolerate?
Yes sadly its begun...when will they let those poor civillians live in peace..Im sick of the Lebanese politics, when will this crap stop. I pray for the people who are living there and experiencing this now..