** look for 10,000 dynamic contrast or higher.

** most of the shops are using high difinition (hd) or blu ray to make their display more tempting. if you don't have hd or blu ray at home, ask the sales staff to turn off the hd or blu ray to see the quality of the screen without them.

** ask assistance of the sales staff. draw a line on the screen with your or his finger tip. observe the flow of the liquid crystal of the screen. you shall see the flow of the liquid like when you draw a line on the surface of the water. liquid crystal display (lcd) needs a fair amount of heat to burn the solid particles to liquid crystals and change it into real liquid only then you would enjoy the perfect crispness of your screen. the more liquid the clearer your monitor shows.

  1. samsung has the best liquified crystal display (lcd) - observe when you draw a line on its screen.
  2. sony is using samsung lcd screen
  3. lg screen is hard and not too liquid - you would notice it when you draw a line too.

for info only: liquid crystals are very sensitive to temperature that's why they are used to make thermometers and mood rings. It also explains why a laptop computer display may act funny in cold weather or during a hot day at the beach.


btw, hi to everyone! it is my 2nd day in ql.