got a conflict between it's followers ... It is hard to say that these conflicts would effect the look of the people to a specific religion as much as effecting the relations between these groups ... Everyone can see what is happening in Iraq ... this has nothing to do with Islam or the religion because the people are choosing what to do and kill the others and fight in the name of the religion while it is totally wrong and not acceptable.

We people forgot about the basics of our religions, get to the the far away parts of it and grab it and forget what is much important than that.

We forgot the common sense which had no conflict with the religion and followed our own desires, created our own believes, religion and live by that, believe in that and what was the result? A huge conflict between the communities and societies and we are all losing ...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)