I'm really not confrontational.  I'll gather some studies for you though if your interested.  It's really comforting and interesting. My brother-in-law is a history/poltical science major with an MBA.  I look to him for solitude, as he lived in Saudi for years.  He did not want to leave. 

I know a bombing could happen, as it did when I was pregnant with my second child in 2001.  I have friends who lost family in New York.  It's not just in the M.E.  I cannot keep my focus sensible if I live in fear of a bomb.  Also, I want my children to be strong.  I want them to be knowledgable on topics, but if they feel fear from me; how productive is that?  My father-in-law, and mother-in-law lived in Saudi for 12 years.  My husband for 4 of those as a middle school student.  They loved the experience, but we are adventerous family.  I do believe in taking precautions when needed.  I am an educated person.  I'm not trying to put my family at risk.


We say go for it!!!


Hopefully, someone doesn't get shot tonight in downtown Jacksonville, FL.  Right???