Qatar Churches Targetted by Terrorists

By William Boot •
Yesterday, the US embassy issued guidance to US citizens that the new churches are being targetted by terrorist organizations. The advice has been repeated by other embassies. Here's the relevant material from the Australian government:
We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Qatar because of the high threat of terrorist attack.
A terrorist website has made a reference to the Church City, due to
open on 14 March 2008. Authorities are aware of this and are taking
appropriate security measures. A United States warden message released
on 13 March included the new Christian Church complex in Doha in a list
of potential terrorist targets.
Wether it is the result of just incomplete research, or on purpose I cannot say....but as a student of history, it is very strange that he chooses to highlight only a portion of a nations history to support his theories....its almost like he is specifically catoring to a certain audience....trying to tell us that jews have always existed in the fertile crescent, and that the arabs made a mistake in attacking Israel...they should have just capitulated.
If you know anything about the place in question, you would know that it is the cradle of civilization and older than any other culture on predates Judaism, Christianity, Islam, even Arabs (most people don't know that it had its own language before the Arab conquest). Todays inhabitants are decendants of a LONG list of ethnicities that have migrated to this part of the world, and they ALL intermixed to different extents. For ONE religious group or ethnicity (ANY religious group or ehtnicity) to say they don't want to integrate....they want it is THEIRS and exclusively theirs (because some make believe force told them so) is simply not acceptable! Maybe tactically speaking, attacking Israel turned out to be disasterous....but there is no way in HELL you can convince us that it has the right to exist (as a Religious State)!
If you want, you can try to understand what I am saying, or you can twist the intent and "interpret" my meaning that I want all jews wiped out (which for the record I'm not advocating)! You definetly ARE passionate Heishi....but seriously, try to look into the over 7,000 year history of this nation....look beyond the "Arab Israely Conflict", the Sykes-Picot Agreement, The Arabaisation of the Fertile Crescent....and try and put yourself in the shoes of those whose born of that nation's culture....and most of all, try and be even handed in your dealings, if you can.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
though, I thought raking sand may be of more interest to me ;) You know, calming that is. I hope they are able to get into ASD. We are supposedly going to know ina few weeks if seats are available.
Yes, maybe we can get together one day.
son or daughter? I'm just curious. Our son is nine. The girls are 6 & 4. Where is your kid in school? What a nightmare that has become. I read your profile page. I'm confused? Enlighten me please! :)
I am one to make lemonade out of lemons. I'll make it great. I'll find my interests there. It's not the destination, it's the experience! I've enjoyed your input. I feel better discussing things. It's so therapeutic, as long as everyone keeps things in perspective. My husband will be there one week from today. I'm looking forward to a visit in mid April without the kids. (9, 6, & 4) We'll all be there in June! WOW!
You should hear the comments I get from my friends. :p
Each to their own.
Heishi I think your posts are amazing and intelligent! How do you live with such passion and intelligence?
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I'm really not confrontational. I'll gather some studies for you though if your interested. It's really comforting and interesting. My brother-in-law is a history/poltical science major with an MBA. I look to him for solitude, as he lived in Saudi for years. He did not want to leave.
I know a bombing could happen, as it did when I was pregnant with my second child in 2001. I have friends who lost family in New York. It's not just in the M.E. I cannot keep my focus sensible if I live in fear of a bomb. Also, I want my children to be strong. I want them to be knowledgable on topics, but if they feel fear from me; how productive is that? My father-in-law, and mother-in-law lived in Saudi for 12 years. My husband for 4 of those as a middle school student. They loved the experience, but we are adventerous family. I do believe in taking precautions when needed. I am an educated person. I'm not trying to put my family at risk.
We say go for it!!!
Hopefully, someone doesn't get shot tonight in downtown Jacksonville, FL. Right???
being attacked by a shark in Florida, US or struck by lightning is probably more likely. Do some research.
I don't no what that means! or why I wrote it! just randomness
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Wipe your chin, you are beginning to froth at the mouth!
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
found this piece, and posted it here for everyone to read it!
So like a lot of QLers, I do the research, find the suitable piece, copy it, and paste it here! What's wrong with that?
You are right, I do hate Israel, as well as all other terrorist systems and invasion armies in the world, including the people who support them. I proudly say this. I was brought up on hating evil.
I also respect all patriot powers who risist terrorist systems & invasion armies, using all means available (definitely not paper work). Again, I proudly say this. I was brought up on loving goodness.
History show us numerous examples where patriot powers have defeated terror/invasion armies (example; Vietnam-USA, Afghani Mujahideen-USSR...etc) that's why I believe that other patriot resistance will succeed in the end, no matter how long the road may seem. Justice WILL BE served in the end.
On an excellent cut and paste job, did you bother to research anything your self or is your irrational hatred of Israel enough that you will C&P any article that can blame them for all the Worlds ills.
Muslims and Christians won't be fighting on the streets, why because we don't care that much, and any fight would be an easy one anyway because the Arabs would still be doing the paper work as the army's of "Christian Warriors" invaded your cities.
Utter ridiculous, but to be expected, Mr Paul is right this site has really gone down hill.
'Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious. Perhaps G-d will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so."–Orri Joseph Avraham, an Israeli Citizen in an email to this writer
Like distant thunder and lightning that warn of an approaching storm, recent events strongly suggest a false-flag attack on the Catholic Church–either in the form of an assassination on the Pope himself or a terrorist attack on the Vatican–may soon be in the works for those wishing to widen the present 'clash of civilizations' between the Christian and Muslim worlds for Israel's benefit.
Like most of the moves Israel makes in her great game of chess, events are thought out–not just minutes in advance, but sometimes decades. In her drive to become the dominant power (first in the Middle East and then in the world) the necessity of knocking all competing powers out of the game–be they political, religious, or both–is obvious. This being the case, the fact that the followers of Islam and Christianity together encompass over ½ of the world's 6 billion people means they represent a clear and present danger to the hegemonic designs of Zionism, which means they must be brought down, and given the fact that Israel cannot win a war against such overwhelming numbers, the best way to achieve this is having the 2 sides wipe each other out while the Jewish state sits back and watches from the sidelines.
The 'clash of civilizations' idea is nothing new. Militant, bigoted and irrational Israel-firsters such as Daniel Pipes, Normon Podhoretz, Martin Kramer and many others acting as unregistered agents for the Jewish state have been piling up the cordwood of an Islamo-Christian holocaust now for many years. At first generalized to non-Catholic denominations (meaning fundamentalist, apocalyptic-minded Protestants who found favor with Twilight Zone ideas such as the rapture and other poorly-interpreted passages from the Book of Revelations) now the agenda seems to be centered on bringing the Catholics into the battle for Israel's benefit as well.
The reasons and benefits for doing so are obvious. The Catholic church–despite dealing with declining numbers in recent years–still has over a billion followers world-wide who swear obedience and loyalty to the Pope. In addition, the church and the countries that are principally Catholic in their orientation have not been as 'enthusiastic' as Tel Aviv and Washington DC would like when it comes to fighting the 'war on terror.' The previous Pope, John Paul II, as much as he is faulted by conservative elements within the Catholic laity, was nevertheless outspoken in his opposition to the war in Iraq.
How then does a creature such as Israel go about changing the minds of a billion Catholics worldwide and induce them into signing on to a new crusade against over a billion Muslims? Well, borrowing a catch-phrase used by Jewish interests in suckering the American people into going to war in Iraq for Israel's benefit, it would be a 'cakewalk', meaning the simple matter of a well-placed bullet or a well-placed bomb. The Pope being shot by a Muslim fanatic with ties to Al Qaeda, Hezbollah or Hamas or a bomb going off in the headquarters of the Catholic church (St. Peter's in Rome) and within minutes there would be 1,000 million Catholics world-wide calling for a new crusade against Islam, goaded along of course by a Zionist media and its now-infamous mouthpieces. The Israeli prime minister and his entire cabinet would be in front of every camera around the world, wiping crocodile tears from their eyes, denouncing the tragedy and promising to assist in whatever way possible with what the Church needed in 'dealing' with the situation. Rabbis everywhere (taking a break from their Talmudic studies that describe Jesus as a sorcerer and his mother a prostitute) who in recent years have been working feverishly trying to confuse Christians about the truly demonic, anti-Christian and anti-Gentile nature of Zionism and its ugly Frankenstein child Israel would take center stage in the western media, shaking their heads and saying 'tsk, tsk, tsk…what a tragedy…Well, now you Catholics know what we Jews have been dealing with for years'. Protestant ministers, who centuries ago 'decoded' all the end-times prophecies and concluded that the Vatican and its leader are the predicted anti-Christ would put such inflammatory statements to the wayside in favor of bringing their fellow hell-bound Catholics into the anti-Islamic/pro-Zionist fold.
Those who would scoff at such a scenario, saying no evidence for such a plan exists should pay better attention to the news, both past and present. Keep in mind that this was already tried once before with the failed assassination of John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Agca, a 'crazed Muslim fanatic' (said by Israel's intelligence service Mossad to be working for Iran) right in the heart of St. Peter's Square. As the old saying goes, 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try again,' and just as in the case of the USS Liberty and Israel's unsuccessful attempt in bringing the US onboard as hired gun for the Jewish state, 9/11 went off without a hitch, and 'the rest is history,' as they say.
More important than this however is the recent past, and particularly the history of the last 2 years. The publishing of the now-infamous 'Mohammed cartoons' throughout 'Christian' Europe a few years ago was no accident, nor was it all about 'freedom of speech'. In every country they appeared, laws exist making the 'incitement' of racial and religious hatred a crime. Hundreds are rotting in prisons throughout Europe at this very moment for telling the ugly truth as it pertains to Israel, Zionism, Judaism, Jewish influence or the sancta sanctorum, the Holocaust. The cartoon depictions of the prophet Mohammed were insulting enough, as Islam forbids such caricatures, but the image of him with a lit fuse coming out of his Turbin-clad head cannot be seen in any other light other than one of deliberate provocation.
Now, as if all the uproar weren't enough the first time around and as if there weren't anything more newsworthy to report, these same 'Christian' countries recently decided to re-print these cartoons in February 2008. Of the more important reactions emanating from all of this this was a taped message from none other than former CIA asset Osama Bin Laden himself where he calls for jihad on Europe and mentions Pope Benedict XVI by name, saying the reprinting of the cartoons came "in the framework of a new Crusade in which the pope of the Vatican has played a large, lengthy role' . He further warned of 'severe' reprisals from the Muslim community, saying 'The response will be what you see and not what you hear, and let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God.'
Important in this latest development is that the organization doing the translating for this latest message was none other than SITE–the 'Search for International Terrorist Entities' Institute based in Bethesda, Maryland. Long known to be an Israeli intelligence associated group, SITE was co-founded by Rita Katz, daughter of a convicted Israeli spy hanged by Saddam Hussein who herself moved to Israel. Upon coming to America she took up shop with the likes of Steven Emerson, arch-Neocon and slavish supporter of Israel who makes his living lecturing on the dangers of 'militant Islam'. It should be remembered that–almost as if Emerson had a crystal ball hooked up to Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv–he predicted an attack on America shortly before 9/11 by–surprise, surprise–Osama Bin Laden.
Besides the publication and re-publication of the cartoons, there is the Regensberg incident taking place September 2006 where Benedict XVI read a speech on Islam resulting in what became an international uproar. Benedict was quoted saying 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.' Although quoting someone else's words in the speech, nevertheless agents in the Zionist media–eager to create as much heat from this event as possible–made the most of it for weeks. In the ensuing uproar, death threats were issued against his person by individuals claiming to be Muslims. Priests and nuns were killed around the world. In the West Bank and Gaza, 6 Christian churches were set on fire. Palestinian Christians living near the churches said it was not the work of Muslims, but rather Jews who obviously wanted to blame the Muslims.
In Iraq, once home to one of the largest Christian communities in the Middle East, several churches were bombed. A previously unknown group calling itself Kataab Ashbal Al Islam Al Salafi threatened to kill all Christians in Iraq if the Pope did not apologize to Muhammad within three days. The Iraqi militia Jaish al-Mujahedin (Holy Warriors' Army) announced its intention to "destroy their cross in the heart of Rome… and to hit the Vatican."
Recently (and suspiciously) the Zionist media took an obvious extreme interest in the elevation of Iraqi Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho to the College of Cardinals (the body responsible for electing a new pope) by Pope Benedict XVI in November. In an age where the only thing one hears from the Jewish press concerning the Catholic Church are the lurid stories of priest sex abuse cases and subsequent cover-up by the Vatican, the amount of attention paid to this story was unusual, to say the least. Shortly thereafter and following a noticeable amount of press coverage concerning him, he was kidnapped and later found dead and, naturally, Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda was blamed. It is interesting to note that those who knew Rahho said he was a vocal opponent of the war and occupation of his country.
Finally, there is the recent 'baptism' by Benedict XVI of Magdi Allam, Egyptian-born critic of Islam and pro-Israel spokesman. Allam, as deputy director of Corriere Della Sera newspaper has made a name for himself in recent years for his lambasting of Islam (which he calls inherently violent and backwards) and for his praise of the Jewish state in his book 'Long Live Israel'. Pretending to abandon Islam (which he admitted to never practicing) and choosing as his baptismal name 'Christian', the service was performed during Easter mass at the Vatican and was televised around the world a mere 2 days after the message from Bin Laden was made public. Muslim groups in Italy were puzzled as to why so much attention was put on the event and why so much secrecy surrounded it beforehand. He has since received death threats for his 'conversion' and the fact that Benedict XVI performed the ritual only adds to the image the Zionists are trying to paint of the head of the Catholic church as an enemy of Islam.
Mention the word 'Fatima' and Catholics worldwide understand its significance. It is the event in the early 1900's where 3 peasant children in Portugal claimed to have received warnings from the Virgin Mary about an apocalyptic future. The first 2 warnings were revealed, but the third appeared to have been altered to fit a particular political agenda before being released many decades later. When it was finally released a few years prior to 9/11, it warned that the Pope would be shot down and killed. Some prophecy-wonks immediately seized on the previous attempted assassination of John Paul II, despite the fact that he lived through it in contravention of the prediction. There is little doubt then that if indeed Benedict is killed, the Zionist media will make the most of this third warning, using it to add even more noise to the anti-Muslim war drums that will be pounding within the Catholic world. Further, they will be sure to point out the fact that 'Fatima' was the name of the daughter of Mohammed, the founder of the same religion with which the 'Christian West' finds itself at war today.
In sum what exists here are all the ingredients for a major false-flag attack taking place against Rome by some 'Middle Eastern' group tied to Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda with the end result being an enraged and highly-polarized Catholic world marching headlong into George Bush's 'Crusade against terrorism'. If there is anything than can be said about the Zionists and how they do business, it is that there is a certain amount of predictability to it all. They lay the groundwork…The stage is set perfectly and they go to great lengths in preparing the public for any soon-to-take-place changes through a program of subtle yet powerful media conditioning.
With this in mind then, the one phrase all people should call to mind if and when these events come to fruition is not necessarily the 'I told you so' all are destined to hear coming from media mouthpieces in the aftermath, but rather the motto of Israel's intelligence service Mossad that has made assassinations, bombings and false flag attacks its tricks of the trade which is 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
© 2008 by Mark Glenn, Contributing Editor, American Free Press Newspaper
Reading all this ..... is like reading a school book. Like then, I still cannot be bothered! I do enjoy heishi's passion and sincerety!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
with Ashkenazi jews ( accept for Barbra Striesend) . Being now the elite of Israel. they have succeeded in eliminating all the role of other jews in the last few decades. Both Sephardi & mahrazi jew have flourished under islamic dynasties rule from the Umayadd till the ottomans while Ashkenazi's were prosecuted in europe. The state of Israel today wants to preserve its image as western jew state while ignoring the diverse & rich culture of the other jews.
He rises from the ashes of the last hatred he spouted....welcome back airsupply/mrs/bentley/etc/etc/etc...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
The older generation of arabs didn't hate the jews. They were consumed by arab nationalism which flourished in the 50-60's of the last century.In fact one of the leading Egyptian nationalist was a jew, René Qattawi. Arab governments ever since took advantage of labels like zionism to control its people. While Israel was building its economy , arabs were too busy blaming israel & the west for poverty, weak economy, poor education & corruption. When egypt was having crisis with heroin in the mid 80's it was Israel to blame for corrupting the youth of Egypt! ever since the conspiracy theories began. and it kept going on
Denying the holocaust is utterly ridiculous and exposes your racism.
I am not denying that Israel has done many bad things, the War in Lebanon in 2006 a prime example of a disgraceful act of War and an over reaction to a cettain set of circumstances.
All Arabs have to admit that the un provoked attack on Israel the day they signed the agreement to form the State was a very very bad mistake. Isreal only had about 2/3 or the land they have now.
Many agreements have ben tabled I think the last significant one was 67 and if that had been accepted we would not have the problems we have today.
Now having lived here for a while I can see not only why everyone hates Isreal but also why the Arabs continually fail to come to any decent rational settlement except for the total destruction of the Isreali state.
That reason comes in my next post
that never happenned or never existed. This shows that you are very stupid & need to be educated.
If you support heishi that Israelis have not stolen an arab country & have never done any harm to the Palestineans then you must be blind, racist, full of hate & a supporter of terrorism. It's as simple as that
Holocaust deniers are all ignorant stupid racist bigotted pious immbecilles, but thats another story.
After reading all the posts the stuff Heishi said about Israel is spot on, pretty accurate and reveals many uncomfortable truths that all Arabs seemingly ignore.
Coincidently it was a MISTAKE when George Bush said there should be a Palestinian state, he boasts he was the first to say it, because it was NOT American policy. Look it up I believe after he first said it the Americans had to quickly cobble together a policy to match what he has said.
As for the cheating and stuff going on in the Universities, I know from a moral point of view that cheating is bad and what the students do is despicable but I ask this question. What's the point ? I mean lets be totally honest Gulf Arabs have a pretty poor reputation around the World, they are know lets be honest for their money and their stupidity with it. If a Qatari gets a degree what is he going to do with it except work for Qtel, its not like he can walk into a job in a private company in the UK or here even for that matter.
their work ethic or lack thereof is becoming World renown , the amazing thing I find is that Qatar encourages people from all over the World to come here, then we return and tell everyone what a lazy group of spoilt brats they are, hardly the publicity one would want.
I kinda enjoy my time here but unlike Dubai or UAE I can't help but think the ultimately the World will pass by Qatar and all the cheating and lieing and laziness will once again go un-broadcast as there will be no one here to see it.
We shall see but excellent post for Heishi good work
Where was the holocaust?
yoooo hoooo
where's DG these days???
before I can wear those floating abayas. I'd be flat on my face at the first step without practice :D
So that's the reason jauntie did not join us yesterday at CC.
Is it you janutie and alexa who were having abaya and veil on today noon? Nice camouflage
serious subjects around tonight ;)
status quo for a few decades, I'd say :D
I happened to be looking at the British Embassy site today for something or other and saw this, rather less scary, update on living in the Gulf generally:
Still Current at: 18 March 2008
Updated: 16 March 2008
This advice had been reviewed and reissued with an amendment to the Summary. The overall level of the advice has not changed.
The general threat from terrorism in Qatar remains. Terrorists continue to issue statements threatening to carry out attacks in the Gulf region. These include references to attacks on Western interests, including residential compounds, places of worship, military, oil, transport and aviation interests.
You should maintain a high level of security awareness, particularly in public places. You should avoid large gatherings and demonstrations.
bit scary really. Really!
Takes me back 30 years, when the first Medical School in Jeddah reported a 100% pass rate.
Scary. Really!
even though it was a bit one far as the intelligence that is. Heishi...don't worry about the cheating as it really doesn't matter since things will be what they are and will not change until the leadership of these schools stand up for the ethics that their schools were founded on...or at least the ethics that their main campuses were founded on.
The sad thing is that once these "graduates" make their way into the real world and show the value of their education to employers the reputational damage may be such that these schools will have a problem recovering.
Particularly concerning is when these schools place people into senior management roles that come from locals where ethics is a dirty word the problem will perpetuate and more than likely snowball causing the remaining employees that have proper ethical values (some of whom came from their main campuses or from other proper professional environments) to run for the hills and let these 'others' drive the institutions and their reputations into the ground.
"What's the point of even having a conversation with someone that starts out like this by denying the Holocaust?"
I wasn't denying anything. On the contrary, you were denying all the criminal acts of Israel against Palestineans & other neighboring countries, and I just wanted to give you some real facts, using your own words!
And I didn't even question the point of having a converstaion with someone like you who is denying all the crimes of Israel. It is always a pleasure to discuss things and make the others see the real facts.
"Jews have been in Israel for thousands of years before Islam ever even existed"
I have no objection on the Jews who are originally from Palestine. But the others who started flying to Palestine in th 20th century onward must all go back to their countries....or to the 1st option Hertzel had....Uganda
"your response is that they should be happy to live under the Palestinians as slaves... "
You can search all my posts but you'll never find the word "slaves". I never said that. You are making things up.
"I have been to Jordan, and the Christians there are hardly treated as free equals."
Again you are making things up. I have lots of Christian Jordanian friends and the enjoy a wonderful life in Jordan
"What are you even talking about now? What has Israel done to the Lebanese people?"
Nothing...just gave them a few Sabra & Shatella massacres.
"Ah, you defend 9/11 as a good thing. This explains a LOT!"
Did I say it was a "good" thing? I said some people would see some kind of justice in it. It's like if you believe that chemotherapy is the best solution for fighting cancer. That doesn't make chemotherapy a 'nice' thing that you'd enjoy.
On the other hand, if you see Israel as a "victim", then you must be a supporter of terrorism.
Hey, if you've got some more accurate history do please share. Your statements are worthless unless you've got something to back them up with. If I'm wrong I really would like someone to show me. I'm all ears (or eyes).
And FYI, I don't know who Robert Spencer is and I didn't copy/paste anything from this web site that he apparently has. I have heard of JihadWatch but I'm not a user of that site. Sorry, not me. I'm sure it would be convenient to simply cast me aside like that, but I typed all that 100% on my own without referencing anything... it was all my original work. I've read a number of books on the history of Palestine, and that's my synopsis. Feel free to recommend anything else.
As for living somewhere else though. It's interesting you should suggest that. I've actually already arranged to study at a school in the West Bank (Birzeit) for a few months. They have Arabic classes that focus on the Jerusalem Dialect.
I don't know why people think I ought to leave Qatar though. I've quite enjoyed my time here. It's been a great experience. Obviously if I didn't want to be here I wouldn't be. It's pretty simplistic to brand me as being "miserable" when you disagree with me. A weak response really.
This is a discussion forum... what's the big deal about expressing a blunt opinion about certain things? It's interesting that just because you don't like what I say it doens't mean I'm wrong :) I get a lot of ad hominem responses but very little substance.
I'd also suggest that on your next history lesson to not relay on wikipedia or copy/paste robert Spencer's (jihad watch) comments
Why don't you go & live in Israel instead. You'd really widen your thoughts & experience (I'm not joking here). In particular, i'd recommand Haifa were muslims, bahai, jews, Christians, druze & Bedouin all coexist.Qatar is just not for you...
After all you are talking about a part of the world that predates monotheism by THOUSANDS of why does your history lesson begin with Jews living there?
Hezbollah's cross border attack into Israel was not an isolated, out of the blue incident either conveniently neglect to mention Lebanese land still occupied (yes the UN and Israel say its Syrian, but even Syria said it is Lebanons!!), oh and lets not forget the Lebanese languishing in Israely Jails.....some for 28 years without even being charged with anything!
Just because you may have spent some time in South Lebanon, does not make you an some, Hizbollah is a terrorist others they are a resitance force...just as the French underground was terrorists and/or resistance in WW2 depending on which side you were on....the least you can do is present both sides of the story.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
"After being slaughtered by the Nazis the Jews had enough"
I will answer you by using your OWN words: "And the answer is quite simple. That never happened! It's a lie!"
"Jews have been in Israel for thousands of years before Islam ever even existed"
That doesn't give them the right to kill the arabs and steal their homes to establish their state. They could live as Jewish citizens of Palastine like the Jewish citizens of Morroco for example.
Lots of Christians live since ages in Jordan, Lebanon...etc but they did not kill the people to start a Christian state.
"The area known as the Palestine Mandate was originally intended as a Jewish state"
You need to read history. You have all your information wrong. Theodor Hirtzel started the 1st Zionist congress in Bern-Switzerland (I think) around 1897 and he settled later for Uganda as the homeland of the Zionists....'they' changed it later to Palestine.
"There was no Palestinian State...Nothing was stolen and nobody was kicked out of their house...Jews did NOT attack the Arabs in any way"
Oh REALLY? I have a better/bitter joke: Hitler did a 'holocaust'!
"At this same time nearly a million Jews were kicked out of various countries in the Middle East"
With one small detail: Zionist organizations were smuggling those people from their arabic countries into Palestine because the Arab governments were against letting the Jews flee their countries
"How big is Israel? It is 1/6 of 1 percent of the entire Middle East"
but it is allowed to own weapons of mass destruction that could end life on Earth. (arab countries who try to own such weapons are usually destroyed by the.......UN)
"A whole population of people are chanting "death to Israel" and what do you expect to happen?"
But that is very normal when Israel kills your civilians & families! What do you expect as a reaction to a criminal act?
"Israel should have kept dropping bombs and kept raiding houses until they had completely eradicated Hezbollah to the point that it couldn't regroup for a long, long time"
But that is very stupid! Groups like Hamas & Hizzbullah are not just political or prefessional parties....they are a natural reaction from the people and to the people. You can NEVER wipe out such reactions unless you stop the terrorist acts from the other side.
"A whole lot of Japanese had to be killed to get the Emperor to surrender. Evil hides itself behind masses of innocent people."
Yeah "BRAVO" for the nuclear bombs that were dropped on Japan!
Do you know now why some people believe that there was justice in what happend on 11.Sep in NY?
Other items in your post which I did not comment on, are not worth the effort. They are just a demonstration to what I said earlier about the media being able to brainwash people.
i guess we should get back to the 'topic'; interestnig though the last few threads have been and informative to say the least...
bottom line: its nice to see other faiths flourish in Qatar.... kudos to the government on this initiative...
live and let live...let this house be progressive
Engineering faculty have always maintained a strong curriculum through out the years with visiting lecturers from around the world. The problem is the shortage of students (some courses with 2 students only!), low wages of existing faculty members &,he compulsory islamic studies. I have to admit though that other schools are relatively weak compared to engineering.
Please define the rules of engagement that you want Israel to abide by in the next conflict please.
I still can't see what makes you so sure:
"Israel is a victim....
what are the Lebanese in the south teaching their kids? War....
they don't regard it as "terrorism" in the evil sense of the word, but that's exactly what it is."
on the othe side of the river, there are people as sure as you are that:
-The controlled media usually brainwash the public opinion in order that simple brains can see Israel as a 'victim'. Since when does a group of thieves that take your home become the 'victim' while you are a 'terrorist' if you continue to fight them trying to take your home back?
Since when capturing 2 soldiers of your enemy is a crime that should be punished by bombing hundreds of your women & children?
-The kids in south Lebanon are merely opening their eyes to the REAL world around them: there is an Israeli enemy at the door, that is going to bomb them, with or without a reason! Should they just wait to be slaughtered like sheep?
-Wonder: who said it is "exactly terrorism"? The controlled media?
I never said that the arab media has credit. On the contrary, it shamelessly succumbs to western pressure in order to use terms like "terrorism" instead of "resistance", "suiciders" instead of "martyrs"...etc. This is in order for some simple people to chew on these words, then would ask you later: why do muslims become "suicide bombers"? Isn't "suicide" disgraced in Islam?
Well heishi, people should be very alert when it comes to media & how it slowly but cunningly brainwash people with foreign phrases that become a de facto after a while.
All the 'evil' that you think exists in Ras Laffan, is no execuse for any aggression on any land, or attack on any religious beliefs. Better to do all we can to cure this 'evil' in Ras Laffan than to attack a prophet. When all nations get together to work on eliminating the 'evil' of Ras Laffan, we gain by having new (Asian labor) friends & love would prevail. If you think that curing the 'evil' of Ras Laffan is by bashing prophets, then we will have more enemies, and hate will be deeper.
I hope you manage to see the light.
I didn't check the link you provided. As you I told you before, the media is not an absolutely honest source to be trusted. A lot of the media is controlled & is used to brainwash people who buy the stuff it sells.
Therefor I don't know what happened to this princess and it seems that some members here have already corrected your info. Well this is EXACTLY my point; if people have confornted you with the fact that you have been misguided by the media about a simple issue concerning some arabic princess, then surely you have been also misguided about bigger issues such as religion, politics, terror...etc.
I am sorry about the flag issue. I understood you were talking about Qatar not south Lebanon. I thought you were saying that you met Qatari students here having flags of Hizbullah and are, therefor, considered (by you) members of Hizbullah & Elqaeda. This is a very silly & ignorant conclusion. It would be like calling someone a hooligan for having a flag of Arsenal FC.
I don't know about south Lebanon, though, I'll take your word for it although I think that the people down there are 100% free to use whatever means to defend themselves against danger coming from the south.
I still can't seem to agree with you that people in the ME support terrorism. I have seen a lot of them support resistance & retaliation against foreign aggressions, but they detest terrorism.
When I chat with religious arabs about the fruits of all this struggle, they tell me that they see terrorism approching their lands with airplanes, missiles, tanks, ships...etc. and they hail the bravery of a little boy facing a tanker with a few stones, or the dignity of a man ready to give up his life by taking a bunch of enemy soldiers with him.
So which one of you should I believe, heishi?
You claim that they are supporters of terror, and they claim that they only want to defend their lands & retrieve their stolen homes.
I sometimes wonder about compromises but they smile & tell me that the whole world can never understand the inner feeling of pride & happiness when you are willing to give up your life defending your homeland & rights, instead of accepting to continue living with shame, humilation & disgrace.
As for life here heishi...well it depends on what you want from life. If you & your gas boy prefer the 'freedom' of USA, well serves you right then. I think that security has a priority on 'freedom'. This what makes life here better.
I don't think the lifestyle in Qatar or in Saudi has to do with the amount of expats in the country because this lifestyle is related to the citizens themselves, as much as the expats. A considerable amount of Qataris lead a life that is very much different to those of Saudis.
PM - what ever happened to this woman?
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Please go and get your facts right. Who said the expatriates are a small % in saudi ? Do you have an actual figure? Not to mention your false accusation about the emir. It shows how ignorant you are!!
PM is saying that students may sympathize with Hizbullah or Elqaeda while you claim that these people are sympathizing with "terrorism".
I don't expect to find any human on earth who'd agree to sympathize with terrorism.
You see things depending on your beliefs. You might see those people as brainwashed, and they would look at you in the same way. Having a flag of a party does not make you a member of that party. Having a flag of Arsenal FC does not make you a Hooligan.
You have discovered that these students are nice & ordinary people, but they are actually "very dangerous & hateful". Have you always known that they are nice & normal even before you mixed with them? Or were there some earlier horror stories which you've heard about them and had you terrified?
I've met many people here who claim that their relatives & friends back home would NEVER believe it if they'd tell them that they are living normally among muslims & arabs in a religious country like Qatar. They might be right about their view concerning Saudi, but the are definitely wrong to believe that all muslim or arab states are as strict as Saudi.
What I want to say is; people sympathizing with this party (Hizbullah) or the the other (Elqaeda) does not mean that they are sympathizing with terrorism.
Some might think that sympathizing with Japanese suicide Kamakazi pilots is sympathizing with terrorism, while others would find them as national heroes & would see that sympathizing with worships surrounding Pearl Harbour is sympathizing with terrorism. It all depends on your point of view.
In one of his interviews, HH The Emir said I am a Wahhabi. According to some people, Wahhabi is evil, but does that make him a supporter of evil & terrorism? I'm sure not. He follows a belief or a line of Islam where nothing in that belief encourages you to do evil. Full stop!
Violent struggle against the United States was easy to romanticize at a distance.
used to love Osama bin Laden,” proclaimed a 24-year-old Iraqi college
student. She was referring to how she felt before the war took hold in
her native Baghdad. The Sept. 11, 2001, strike at American supremacy
was satisfying, and the deaths abstract.
Now, the student
recites the familiar complaints: Her college has segregated the
security checks; guards told her to stop wearing a revealing skirt; she
covers her head for safety.
“Now I hate Islam,” she said,
sitting in her family’s unadorned living room in central Baghdad. “Al
Qaeda and the Mahdi Army are spreading hatred. People are being killed
for nothing.”
but i prefer to think of them as chicken I really DO like ostriches(the bird)
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
the media in general, and specially those sources you provided, can not really be neutral and reliable. HH The Emir simply does not finance Al-Qaeda no matter what the media would report.
Also, and since organizations do not logically declare on the web the locations they intend to bomb, then the only explanation for those warnings from embassies is to create chaos and an attempt to not give credit to Qatar for its huge step.
stirring up fear in our own countrymen??
If anyone would CARE to read the entire warden's would be noted that the terrorists didn't state the was mentioned by office that it, along with other places Americans gather, MIGHT be a target...
but no one seems to care about the why bother...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
of an attack in Qatar, can you guys tell me why the show "The Road to Kabul" was cancelled after airing only 5 episodes back in 2004?
Thanks God today there's no bomb in the church today :)
(We have to appreciate every single day that God gives us, don't we ? :) )
Just like baedaebok said, if they blow up while we're there, may be it God's will :).
Easter is next weekend so I'm going to a traditional service. My usual church doesn't do enough traditional stuff so I make a pilgrammage to a traditional church twice a year (Xmas, Easter).
If they blow it up while I'm there, you gotta go when you gotta go. Suicide is painless.
the concecretion of the new catholic church was successfully done without a single incident... with the close guidance and security from HH Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani...
*sigh... too bad... they add bad colors to the world.. :(
are you an accountant for Bin Laden?
There is The Base (the U.S base in Qatar) and there is Al Qaeda (which means The Base in arabic) in Afghanistan. Maybe you got mixed up?
When they bombed the Grand hotel in Brighton
"We only have to be lucky once.......You have to be lucky all the time"
They cause panic with 100 bomb threats, you get fed up, and ignore one...Thats the real bomb that kills people !
No terrorist is going to publicise a bombing before it happens, but that's not the purpose of the threats.
When Irish terrorists were bombing british targets, there were many, many bomb threats phoned into local radio stations. Only a small fraction were real attacks. The rest resulted in disruption to people's businesses and daily lives as people were evacuated and train stations were closed.
So long as one in every hundred threats results in a real attack, then every warning needs to be acted upon. If you took your kids to a church service in Doha, and they were injured by a bomb, you'd never forgive yourself for ignoring the warnings.
If your government received a warning of attack, but didn't warn you, and there was an attack, you'd never forgive your government, would you?
So, you see, the terrorists win simply by posting the threat. They have to do nothing more than make a false claim, and most sensible people will change their behaviour. I don't go to church - salvation through holy zombies isn't my thing - but if the threat was about a shopping centre, you can bet that I wouldn't be taking my kid there.
I think they were just throwing that in there, Qatar is as much of a target as anywhere in London, I came here after the tube attack. To be honest I feel safer here.
The embassy is kinda covering their asses there, and lets be fair is almost identical to the one they write about New York or any big American city.
Chill people, now my Temple Mmmmm could be a different story :(
I think you have mistaken QTEL for churches . Either way nothing will
happen. If they did that then who do u think is gonna play their video tapes?
Wonder if they reached to the level where they record on Bluray disks or
r they still using video tapes???
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Warden Message
Department of State remains concerned about the continued threat of
terrorist attacks, demonstrations and other violent actions against
U.S. citizens and interests overseas. Current information suggests
that al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist
attacks against U.S. interests in multiple regions, including Europe,
Asia, Africa and the Middle East. These attacks may employ a wide
variety of tactics including suicide operations, assassinations,
kidnappings, hijackings and bombings.
Extremists may elect to use
conventional or non-conventional weapons, and target both official and
private interests. Examples of such targets include high-profile
sporting events, residential areas, business offices, hotels, clubs,
restaurants, places of worship, such as the new Christian Church
complex in Doha, schools, public areas and locales where Americans
Abu american..
thanks for confirming that information for me. Thats exactly what I thought too.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
pure and simple...
For once it is a relief you were not referring to me PM. Alhumdulilah
mm I don't know much about embassies although I am now curious.
however, wouldn't it be justified in thinking that this intelligence is another "created" intel from Bush and his cronies(supporters)?
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
having said that I'm glad they post that kind of stuff..
I think you guys have a point! I mean a website?? Come on! Lets get real!
It doesn't really justify an EMBASSY posting that kind of stuff unless they have some substantial proof to support their claim.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
mmm well I don't see many american "ostriches" like that PM! Although I am sure there is a few! Probably more in britain then america!
And to be honest I don't find it against just churches as my husbands friend was in Yeman some years back and the masjid was bombed. I think you'll find crazy people in every culture. And I am personally glad america posts this stuff so that we are aware that there is a threat! Cuz my mom might visit me and enter that church!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
One person dies daily in Qatar due to road accidents. Qatar keeps a close watch on extremists because they let some live here.
you probably right pwb78 ... thanks to Qatari for setting this site up. So we can bicker about religion, skin colour, races or whatever you name it.
Novita - I think actual statistics show boredom will get you before a Landcruiser. :)
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
kep on gud timepass
or lost forever on some of the roads...
to everyone attending the church opening..i say congratulations...and to the one who allowed churches to be built and has the vision to expand Qatar culturally, HH the enormous thank you!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
agree with novi... why worry of being a target in the church.. where there are more chances on d road..
you have more chance die on Doha road than get blown out in the church in Qatar.
10 am
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Most folks know its only a warning..but you are correct in commenting that Qatar is extremely safe. I don't however think its "Some governments want to spread imaginary fear among the public just to justify a war against some ghosts." Perhaps its a governments' attempt to warn its citizens that there is a bit of a raised threat and to be AWARE of your surroundings.
No one in their right mind would think that its someone trying to sabotage Qatar's building bridges and ties with other was just a warning, that's all.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
this is a safe place to be! Some governments want to spread imaginary fear among the public just to justify a war against some ghosts.
It is very clear that the party that has issued such a warning is trying to sabotage Qatar's efforts in building bridges & ties with other cultures.
Even a child knows that it would be stupid for any organization to declare on the web, an "upcoming attack" on some "target".
in what time the Church has opening cermony tomorrow
Catholic church will be open tomorrow
Church has opening cermony tomorrow. Actually opens for mass before Easter.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
we might be sitting, eating in front of our tvs, since that's the only thing we do(ok that and be racist and elitist)..and hits us.."I am SO going to be a martyr today..."
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
which is why its safe from me as a westerner...unless of course I get a wild hair and decide to become a suicide bomber over night.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
um and why would a westerner blow up the burj al alam??? don't you know they only drop bombs? Suicide bombers aren't westerners' usual violence of choice.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
I will be gng there ....
As far as terrorism in the ME is concerned some westerned will blow up the burj al alam like the 9/11 trauma......
Someone who had an axe to grind about his work here. It wasn't a terrorist attack, as such - so I thought.
Well, if you guys don't hear from me tomorrow night, you know why! :)
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I'm with PM on this one...make everyone afraid and they won't attend there...mission accomplished! Being afraid of everything is just what they don't give in to their scare tactics...the terrorist website, not the ones who announce it..
Ahh, just in time for Easter..lovely, isn't it???
The attack on the Doha Players wasn't as successful only by the skin of their teeth...few minutes either way and it could have been quite disastrous.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
It doesnt hurt to be careful though....with these warnings always expect the worst...regardless of whether this is true or safe than sorry...The Aust government wouldnt put warnings to create fear, rather to make people aware of potential problems...It doesnt hurt to take appropriate security measures to be on the safe side...
Hope the government slams those terrorists, people with no tolerance should be booted out fast.
Click here for Qatar info
i've always wondered why there hasn't been any terrorist activity in qatar or the UAE. they have attacked countries in europe and america, yet there are thousand and thousands of westerners in qatar and the UAE, which are slowly becoming more and more western.
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
-Thomas Jefferson
May be they are kind terrorists that they like to be frank with their future plans
I do agree this is a stupid announcement that can't fool a young kid.
I guess the US officials are whom targetting or planning for some future action in the area, and they need to initiate a sort of public opinion towards a certain issue or distract the public away from a certain plan they intend to do.
This is a known political trick that some countries used to do. For example creating an incident somewhere in the world so all the news focuses in the event , meanwhile they go into a pre-planned action somewhere else where no one is looking at.
i think the chance you got run over by land cruiser in Qatar is higher than you got blown off by bomb.
What can you do except keep living your life? Fear can be crippling if you let it be. I can't think of a better place to be if it's your time to go.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Abu is right, if you want to target something, why openly announce it on their website aren't the embassies paranoid? come to think of it the church in forn tof Marriot has been there for how many years, and mass is being celebrated in a number od schools, why only now and yet announce it prior to doing it
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
Really don't understand why other countries whether is East or West can openly welcome Islamic but not the other way round. I don't think Muslims are of so little faith that can easily be moved nor the other religions are so powerful that can easily spread. So whats the problem actually??
abu nowadays there no place safe as such in this world, be it in the west or in the east.
after Doha Players ... the church would be the next main target for those 'extremist'.
another scam! relax