Gypsy I have to agree with you on there. My mother has been married quite a few times (cough cough) to my father (arab) and Italian step father (3rd husband).  And sure they are equally passionate and hot blooded.. But the way they view womens rights are completely different.


Having said that, Christians are alot better than muslims Paula. They are more open minded about accepting the western culture. Which sounds great for you! So perhaps some of Alexa's charms and advice would really benefit in that situation. (as I agreed with her for once)

p.s. Alexa I was joking on the shia thread..


PM... I'm sorry to hear about the kuwaitee guy.  It sounds like he still has alot of work to do on himself and InshAllah I hope the experience will make him a better person.  Allahu Alim his heart!

The point is that  you tried your best and Allah has seen that. And he will guide you. Since I have read your posts on here my belief is that you are a very warm and caring person. And truly sincere in your belief of Allah. May Allah make it easy for you sister.

And don't forget to have an arse kicking pole for the next time around. I just bought one for my mom as she goes through divorce number 5! And she is really enjoying herself this time lol.



Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi