the money goes to the right people ... after 10 years and saying that a place like Gaza would be like Singapore ... Still some people got no water or electricity ... I'm not with or against Hamas or whoever ... the thing is what are we supposed to do? When they strike people with missiles using massive force? WE got nothing to even defend ourselves ... when you are sleeping with your kids peacefully in your house and in seconds the entire building is down ... is that the justice of the 21 century? They will kill my brother, my father, my uncle, my sister and the people around the world asking me to stay still and do nothing?


You guys are opening threads here complaining about silly and simple things you face in your life sometimes ... Some Land Cruiser jumped in front of me ... Some Sales man give my chocolates instead of my quarters and you all would be fighting there and upset because of that or even mad ... and you are asking people to calm down? The ones who lost all of their families and relatives ... to stand there holding flowers and roses and smile in the face of their killers? You would never really understand how do they feel or what is really happening there unitl you face it one day ...


------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)