allah has promised to help the muslims??? What nonsense....first of all so allah is saying too bad to the christian're out of luck?


Or what....we should just sit back and make popcorn because allah will deliver us the where was he the first few wars, what he wasn't paying attention? Or was it just a test....we were not worthy so he hasn't decided to help us yet?


The zionists fight with utter conviction that yaweh has their back!


Grow up....your beielfs in your gods is ur business, but keep them to yourselves and out of our NATIONAL affairs.


Its crazy (not to mention scary) that nationalism is on the decline and its preceived as ineffective, and the ONLY alternative is Islamic Jihad! I got news for you....that part of the world has DOZENS of religions and sects...stop calling on what divides us and lets look for what unites us about we try that instead PH?


Stay safe.


Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?