So Gypsy points out (maybe even correctly) that vioelnce has thus far not accomplished anything...but we still lack an alternate considering the invadres think this is god's gift to them and no matter where they were born, they can just come and kick the indigenous people out (or kill them)....establish their racist religious state, and its all hunky dory??


Perhaps they were counting on people like PH and her wise religious words.....clearly the palestinians have lost....why fight....just roll over and die!


Shame on all of humanity.....60, or 100, or even 1000 years is nothing in the life of a are all talking about a part of the world that is older than civilizations that are studied in history books as ancient....older than languages now considered "dead"....and older than any "Religion" under whose banner people now wage war and shed blood.


Stay safe all.


Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?