Gypsy > Hamas came to the picture only in 1987, what happened between 1948 - 1987?


PM> You are right, our religion is asking us not to fight those who are not fihting us and I have no problem with the new generation of Jewis if they won't have any with me, it is god well ... their end would be in Palestine as we all know ... the Christian believe as well that Jesus Christ will come down to earth if the Jewish got [what do they assume or dream] their land and the rest of the sequences ....


SG> Problems were before hamas came, i'm not defending them or trying to judge if they are doing or right, but Hamas is new in the game compared with others.


Oryx> Of course, even if they got access to Media ... they will not get the true picture ...


Guys ... I'm sorry if I upset some with my comments, just got to say what i have to say here ... The arguments here about this whole situation is endless ... It would never simply end ... The humans got no solution for it .. It is only god and god's well ...


The whole concept is really strange ... Would you agree on negotiating with the thief who kicked you out of your house? Don't think that someone would agree .... especially if the roles of the game is in the hands of the thief ..


------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)