Get some facts about the statistics of the death rate on the roads and prove that driving in the UK is comparable to driving here.  I'll repeat again that there is no comparison to be made.


Check this out to get you started before you make any more emotive unsubstantiated claims.   It's a little out of date, but you get the point.


Driving in Qatar is of a lower standard than in the UK.  Road discipline is very poor, speeds are high and minor accidents commonplace. In the first 10 months of 2007 240 people died as a result of road traffic accidents (source: Qatari Government figures). This equates a ratio of 30 road deaths per 100,000 of population and compares to the UK average of 5.5 road deaths per 100,000 of population in 2005.


Generalisation?  Maybe.  But at least it's based on fact.