Driving in Qatar - My advice and Opinion

I just thought I'd share my experiences in driving as a Qatari.
I've been in the UK for 5 years and spent 17 years in Bahrain, but after my while in the UK I decided that I was becoming too poor paying taxes to the jolly old Queen.
To be honest, I see a big improvement. People don't wade. Car's don't act crazy. The only issue I've seen is on the round about.
There are two things I don't like. People stop half way on the round about and try to edge out and sometimes they'll not look left or right while on the round about.
I was discussing the matter with a few people and was told that round abouts are being phased out and/or being incorporated with traffic lights. (saw a few road signs that confirm that)
That will solve ALOT.
My advice for the general method of driving in the gulf is
When someone flashes you in the fast lane, be calm and just move out the way for the person to move. (Don't ask me why he's in a hurry :P)
If you see someone slowly veering into your lane, but looks uncertain, give a light honk and accelerate past him/her if possible.
Don't get angry at rude people. If they're rude, they're rude and the situation will only escalate.
There are bad drivers from all over the world, there are of course some Qatari's, Indians, Chinese and Americans for example.
My last experience was that a British guy was chatting nicely on the phone and even flicked his finger at me when he almost hit my car. Of course my advice is to jot down the license plate and simply report it to the police (although some things are not worth it of course).
At the end of the day, Qatar is not as bad as people make it seem, and as I always say, There is no such news as good news.
As a famous comedian Lee Evans said, "When was the last time you were watchiing the news and saw BREAKING NEWS!!!! *Man rushes on stage* *man begins to tap dance* Everything's fiiiiiine"
So negative situations are more visible and people who experience them are more vocal.
Take care everyone and WEAR YOUR SEATBELT! (it's a good habbit!)
there are only basic rules that will make u safe and sound in Qatar
1. drive as per the rule book
2. More important is u drive safe and be way way way away fm zooming SUV's - have seen them kissing all sorts of cars and fleeing fm the scene
thanks for these helpful posts...il be going to school in a few days and when i pass il be on the road. but honestly it gives me the creeps because even the long time drivers meet accident. so many times our car almost got hit with reckless drivers, its just a matter of second but luckily they have quick impulses to avoid it.
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
"Time is precious but life is more precious."
lol, too true.
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LOL whoami - it's not whether you are open minded that determines our ability to win or lose - its your profession!! I tell my daughter all of the time she should be a lawyer because she argues about everything. She has very strong opinions and states them so I told her that she may as well get paid for something she apparently loves to do and is good at.
you can win with me :) I promise I'm an open minded person.
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Huh ... never argue with a lawyer ... you never win.
Yes I am :p
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Are you a lawyer by any chance Whoami? Scene of Boston Legal or The Practice comes into my mind now.
If you feel that way then we go back to the whole point in the first place.
OPINION. You state your opinions as fact when at the end of the day you should be clear that it's just your POINT OF VIEW.
Now if you take offence in my above comments, then there is nothing I can do about that. In fact, I find offence in your comments, because it's quite clear that you can dish out an opinion, but can't take one in return.
You find the argument weak, fine, again that is YOUR opinion, but I'm sure there will be others that disagree with you and those that are indifferent.
The first post suggests a persons opinion and gives a suggestion. There is then the explanation of what a British person thought was another British person. You want to argue that he's not 100% British. Nobody disputes that there is the possibility, as far as we know he could be a French guy acting british, but can you IMAGINE someone adding a disclaimer at the bottom of ever post and after every comment.
Let's have an example,
Hi, I'm British, a British guy came up to me and said hello!
Disclaimer, I assume he was british by my opinion, by the fact that i think I have good instinct, the fact that he had a British accent, mentioned he had a British passport, lived in England, and SAID he was British.
It should be noted that he may NOT be British, but perhaps a French guy acting British, raised in England, and given a passport later on at one point in his life.
It should be noted that he may NOT be French, but an alien that beamed down to earth to act like a French guy.
You see? A drastic or extreme example but an example none-the-less.
Now, we'll go back to the issue of driving in Qatar. Nobody is saying that driving in Qatar is a breeze. In fact, I agree that it's more difficult to drivein Qatar than in the US, however it's easier to drivein Qatar than Saudi, China, and the UK in my opinion.
Now let's enter deeper into this subject.
When I say Saudi, does it mean the whole entire country? No. Obviously not, it refers to where I've actually driven. The SAME goes for my experience in the UK.
You then say "if you can't accept that fact." Did I deny it? It's clear that I didn't. I'm saying that from my point of view, it's comparable.
I guess it's hard for people to understand that different countries have different driving styles. You'll have your own website complaining about driving in China if you don't go with the flow.
Now, Qatari traffic had an issue, traffic laws are improving that, and it is WITHOUT a DOUBT that it will continue to get better. Qatar is Qatar. America is America. Perhaps on average you will get worse drivers. Hopefully the country will do better to get ALL people who enter the country to have higher standards of driving. Now that round-abouts are slowly being removed from intersections, it'll add structure and order. Remember though, it's only around 25% of the country that's Qatari. We can't ALL be contributing to the bad road ettiquette. When I was in Dubai, the number of cars that veer into your lane is extraordinary, especially during curved roads. Did I think "WOW UAE SUCKS". No. I didn't like it. But I understood that it's just their way of driving and the country is used to it. Does it means that WE have to get used to it? Well yes. But we can try to improve the system gradually.
Finally, next time I see a British person, I'll refer to him as a British looking / sounding person if I'm not sure. Can you do the same and refer to a person as something else if you see a person wearing a thobe / speaking arabic and NOT refer to him as a Qatari or better yet an Arab? I've seen Indians wear thobes for example.
I guess you'll have to keep the answer to that question in your heart, because you said you're not going to debate further. Thanks for letting me have the last word. I'm so happy!
Oooh quick side point, I said "30 idiot drivers in the UK", I didn't say they were British. And I didn't say that I only had experience with 30 only either. I said 30 idiots in Qatar = 30 idiots in the UK. Big difference mate.
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In this thread you've been defensive to the point of offensive. Your argument has been weak and your final reply plain senseless.
Obviously there are bad drivers in the UK, no one is going to deny that, but we are talking about the STANDARD OF DRIVING and for that you need to look at stats on a per capita basis. Qatari stats show the standard of driving to be amongst the worst in the world.
I'll not debate further, but will say that if you can't even accept there's a problem then it's going to be difficult for the driving here to ever improve (especially since you're the open minded one).
I'll not reply again as I'm wasting my time, feel free to take the last word, but please do advise where you have answered the question about the good Qatar driving stats (I don't think there being 30 bad british drivers in the UK proves that??).
@philb, alright you win, it was Austin Powers driving.
Oh and I already gave you an example using your same stats above.
There is no use arguing with a person who has decided that he will not change his mind. I'm an open minded person and I agree with people and with the fact that there can be two point of views. However sadly, it seems that you are not that type of person.
@novita, now that's more like it, you clearly gave an opinion and stated it as such (as I did). ^_^
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whoami ... without trying pissing you out ... i stand on my opinion that driving in Doha is the most dangerous i ever been or drive. I been driving in the UK, Indonesia (few cities that i have lived) and Malaysia.
I never in my life seeing so many accidents daily (major or minor). Forget the percentage how many population in Qatar and other countries / places that i have lived. I based on going out daily for whatever it is.
As you said whoami ....
"Personal HONEST experience is substantial enough for me".
I based on personal honest experience.
"English looking, English sounding, English acting, in his opinion, driver" and with a British flag on his car!!
Sounds like Austin Powers in the Shaguar ..... but, he's a Canadian!
If numbers can be used to say anything, why don't you demonstrate it yourself by telling us about the good driving stats in Qatar?
@philb, numbers can be used to say ANYTHING.
I too can also 'repeat again', I have had my own experience driving in Cambridge, Oxford, Colchester, and London and this is the conclusion I've come to. If you want to dispute it, you are free to talk about your own opinion (not that the word OPINION was used).
Personal HONEST experience is substantial enough for me.
I think you've had one too many at the pub, or since you're in Qatar, perhaps you've gone insane from dehydration.
Nobody said that the standard of driving in the UK was lower than Qatar.
Then you talk about ratios. Sadly, with Qatars low population EVERY ratio will seem high. To be honest, 30 idiot drivers in Qatar = 30 idiot drivers in the UK. No more no less.
You are saying that Generalisations based on facts are better than opinions based on experience. What non-sense.
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Get some facts about the statistics of the death rate on the roads and prove that driving in the UK is comparable to driving here. I'll repeat again that there is no comparison to be made.
Check this out to get you started before you make any more emotive unsubstantiated claims. It's a little out of date, but you get the point.
Driving in Qatar is of a lower standard than in the UK. Road discipline is very poor, speeds are high and minor accidents commonplace. In the first 10 months of 2007 240 people died as a result of road traffic accidents (source: Qatari Government figures). This equates a ratio of 30 road deaths per 100,000 of population and compares to the UK average of 5.5 road deaths per 100,000 of population in 2005.
Generalisation? Maybe. But at least it's based on fact.
good advice, I agree with you. However, most of traffic related problems are due to new drivers, as road sence come with experience. Defensive driving and patience are the basic tools of good driving.
M.Khursheed Uddin
@philb, you are too sensitive.
In another thread amnesia mentions seeing a British flag sticker.
Either way, perhaps he should please everyone by saying
"English looking, English sounding, English acting, in his opinion, driver".
It's easy for people to say 'Qatari' and generalize, but it's hard for other cultures to accept any generalizations about them.
I've driven in the UK, and people drive WAY too close.
After having a drunk guy almost kill me, I'll never drive there again.
Click here for Qatar info
Going back to the start of this thread Amnesia.
You may well be half British and sure the person you heard above the noise of open windows and car engines by his accent and looks to be British. However, I'm sure you really can't possibly know that.
I am 100% British (whatever that means). I worked alongside a guy in the UK for 1 1/2 years I thought was British, one day I walked past his office and he was speaking fluent dutch! When I asked him about it, it turned out he was Dutch! He also spoke French, Italian, and German perfectly!
Is there even the smallest possibility you could be wrong about this guys nationality.?
Compared to other nations of the world, I find us Brits to be submissive drivers and there is no general comparison to be made between British drivers and the standard of driving in this country. Everyone knows how us Brits also like to form orderly queues even when we don't know what we're queuing for!!! Also the fact that having passed a UK driving test there it is not necessary to do another one here.
Have said all that, your defensive driving advice is good...... take care all
Kick the Danes, then Kick the guy called Richard 123.. Those British Americanness... The Red Pope of Qatar LivingRichard 123 said: I believe peace is through integration
Amesia - I don't like the light flashing and horn blowing either especially when there is a lot of traffic and no where to go but I really get nervous when they get really close to my bumper. There SO close it's like drafting in NASCAR. If I just take my foot off the gas they will hit me. I had 3 young boys in a car the other day do that to me and I was coming up on a speed bump with no where to go because there was a car next to me. I'm in an SUV and they were in a car and so young. I was actually worried about them hitting me because it would have been far worse for them. Fortunately the car in front of me sped up so I could move over and let them pass. I know that if I would have slowed up for the speed bump, they would have hit me for sure. I kept thinking there mothers would be appalled if they saw them driving like that.
Kick the Danes out of Qatar and you will see an immediate improvement in the standard of driving. Don't blame the Qataris, Indians, Pakistanis etc its not their fault. The fault lies firmly and squarely with the Danes.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
@tweety, I agree! I hate that. I see that alot in Dubai especially.
That side road is for EMERGENCIES, yet people think it's a ticket to cut in line.
You know what I don't understand, (this happens to me), when you're in a lane. There's FULL traffic, no space to turn or whatever, and a guy behind you (in my case it's always looks like a personal driver) flashes you.
Once I got so pissed off, so I got out of the car and walked up to the guy and said. "Is there a problem? Why are you flashing me?" (I said it in a friendly way, I thought he was warning me). He said "no. it's my habbit". what?....
I also hate it when people honk their horn the very split second that the light turns green! Not even 1 second chnce to put your car in gear! Happens the most in Kuwait or Bahrain though. Doesn't happen to me much in Qatar, but when it does it really annoys me.
Oh you'll sometimes get this guy flashing you because he wants to drive 40km over the limit but there's a camera in front of you. So you move out the way, and the second he passes you, he drops down to 80... did we do anything? Sadly not... Some european looking person did it to me today :P
Despite these quirks, I still feel safer here than on the M25 in England :P
Note: these instances happen to me like once or twice a month, it's not a regular thing
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was driving down past Rainblow roundabout and saw this motorcycle PASSING everyone, doing a full fledged wheelie, literally standing the bike up on the back wheel...I saw him coming at me for a few second and then he passed me, and continued for another few seconds...its a great looking and very impressive but NOT on a traffic road full of traffic!!!! I have to say that the drivers around her, for the most part are alright, but it only takes a handfull of the boneheads, (I don't care WHAT nationality they are!) to make it dangerous for others. Qatar just seems to have a double handfull of bonehead drivers, for whatever reason...Maybe it will reduce eventually. I certainly hope so...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
My personal pet peeve are the people who use the access roads to jump out of traffic and race through the access road as fast as they can to cut in to the regular traffic farther up. While parked to go to the dentist I saw a guy almost get mowed down by one of these crazies. He was simply stepping out of his car and out of no where comes a goon hoping to shave 3 minutes off his commute at the risk of everyone else around him. This guy went on to jump the cement curb to force his way back into traffic. A complete and total idiot.
I really hate that practice, makes my blood boil every time. Maybe I will start taking license plate numbers and reporting them.
the worse is when you are in an intersection trying to turn left, and you have to make sure boths sides of the road are clear, and people honk at you to turn get on with it and trun when its clear both lanes are full of cars, then they proceed to go into the wrong lane so they can turn and nearly cause a crash....whats the hurry....endangering people lives for what....i think some people just dont have patience and courtesy whilst driving...
i agree its not as bad as some other ME countries, but somehow it is a bit stressful on the roads here....
Thanks all for not blaming it all on the Qataris (yes, I drive a white landcruiser).
Driving in Qatar 20 years ago was simpler, the roads were almost empty, you could drive @300km/hr and the police would do nothing ... until you had an accident.
There's a huge increase in cars on the roads, and the roads are still the same size. It's so bad that it's no use to be in a hurry (he'll get stuck at the next traffic lights).
I found it relaxing to drive slowly and take it easy, do something productive, listen to audiobooks, ...etc.
The most recent changes in driving in Qatar are people forcing themselves infront of you, a few days ago a huge karwa bus forced himself between me and the car infront of me. The traffic lights do not solve the problem as people will fill it up and even when you're light is green, you cannot go.
you are right poolplan :) I agree with you to an extent.
However if you were referring to my post, I can guarantee you that if I mention someone is british then they are. I am half British after all ^_^
Unfortunately the driving standard in Qatar is very poor, to be honest crap.
Even if you try to drive in a relaxed and defensive manner, the guy behind you will become impatient and start flashing his/her lights. But definately if you are in the fast lane and someone is driving as if he has a rocket up his backside, then you will do well to move out of his way. However, if the left lane is blocked, you may find yourself stuffed.
Also remeber to watch out for idiots on roundabouts who have difficulty staying out in their lane and tend to stray across lanes cutting you up, usually right to left. Regrettably it appears that people have difficulty using roundabouts. They are actually a good mechanism to keep traffic moving.
Unfortuantely giving way to other road users is not the norm here. The 'me first, get out of the way' mentality has got to change, until then Qatar will continue to experience a high number of crashes. Speed restrictions and radars are not the answer.
I doubt the guys doing the flashing as described in the posts above were British. In the UK flashing is usually to beckon someone or to give way. It is uncommon in the UK, if you are in the fast lane and for someone to flash from behind irrespective of how fast you are going.
Unfortunately the driving standard in Qatar is very poor, to be honest crap.
Even if you try to drive in a relaxed and defensive manner, the guy behind you will become impatient and start flashing his/her lights. But definately if you are in the fast lane and someone is driving as if he has a rocket up his backside, then you will do well to move out of his way. However, if the left lane is blocked, you may find yourself stuffed.
Also remeber to watch out for idiots on roundabouts who have difficulty staying out in their lane and tend to stray across lanes cutting you up, usually right to left. Regrettably it appears that people have difficulty using roundabouts. They are actually a good mechanism to keep traffic moving.
Unfortuantely giving way to other road users is not the norm here. The 'me first, get out of the way' mentality has got to change, until then Qatar will continue to experience a high number of crashes. Speed restrictions and radars are not the answer.
I doubt the guys doing the flashing as described in the posts above were British. In the UK flashing is usually to beckon someone or to give way. It is uncommon in the UK, if you are in the fast lane and for someone to flash from behind irrespective of how fast you are going.
lol I don't just 'say it though'. It's the people actually see driving.
(I don't know if they are all indians, they could be sri lanki, pakistani, or even any other race, they're just indian looking, and since 25-30% of the population are indian I guess it could lead to them)
no point arguing whoever the worst driver here. don't take the blame neither.
In Saudi, if the Saudi taxi driver almost meet an accident, he'll say "Indians". and when you ride with Indian taxi driver and he almost meet an accident, he'll say "Pakistani" so does the Pakistani will say "Saudi" you see? don't take it seriously! nobody admits who's fault it is! no need to be defensive. it has to be someone else's fault!
It's great to be loved!
Amnesia, I don't agree with you partially....
Lucky for my friend his door got fix nicely, but as for me driving in Doha I had to many close calls, not mentioning or being racist, are those red, white and black scarves wearers mostly are the fast and furious derby racers..
For example:
I was Driving out of the industrial area towards the airport road today on the 31 of December, I did encounter a flat bed trailer flip over with a huge crane in the middle of the roundabout, then 2 kilometers before the gas station WAGOO a four car collision ,,,"It got real foggy this morning" unfortunately they were all Indues and Asian..
This madness has to stop......is just ONE bad omen for all of us....
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
I have to disagree with you.
From my experience, most of the stupidity seem to be by Indian nationals.
I'm not being racist, nor pointing the finger. If I have to be honest, I should say Indian looking.
The thing is that they come to Qatar with their background of driving in India. See here
Or even no license at all.
In 3 out of the 4 near hits I've had, they were Indian looking. (I'm a very carefull driver too). One was by an arabic woman who was driving down a one way road. She even gave me the sign language as if to say I was wrong. When she saw my angry face and that I was going to park and get out, she tried to smile and said sorry (which pissed me off even more).
I can only hope that the government will be MUCH more stricter when handing out licenses.
It's nice to see that your story had a 'sort-of' happy ending. I truely believe though, that with the new traffic laws and the point system, the truely bad drivers will be weeded out sooner or later. Let's hang tight and be patient drivers before then.
Your advise is sound and honest, but I like to reemphasize that most of the stupidity in the roads is done daily by young Arab drivers lately. Not driving the land cruisers, but the American brand, full size pickup trucks with commercial tags. One of them is commercial green tag number 289555, this SOB almost hit me and the next man over in a traffic jam, just because his stupid, arrogant and raging driving always in a freaking hurry.
Another incident are the young female drivers not using signals or swirling their vehicles into another lane in the famous round abouts.
At least the senior arabs drivers drive slow and stay in their lane.
To finish this matter toady we lost one US contractor and injured critically another one in a rear collision, close by the American Airbase. The perpetrator fled the scene.
Last month my best friend and I where close to the Sea Lane resort area, we where helping this Young Qatari stuck in the sand, we pulled out his Honda accord out harms way in the desert road, because he confess that he lost control of his vehicle during our conversation.
Well guess what? Not a thank you, the kid drove off, spinning his tires , lost control of his car and hit my friends DRIVER SIDE door and fled the scene. Lucky for him, I did memorized his tag number, color of the car and make. We did called the local Police, made our report and guess what happen a month later? The cops caught up with him, he had no license, no insurance and was an under age driver.
His father in person apologized to my friend, requested to meet with us in public to settle the matter and he is paying for the fix for my friends car.
The blessing for this incident is that we were invited to his compound, had dinner and made new friends. His son gave us gifts of reconciliation, a hug and we did accepted all of this, because we noticed his father and family was a honest hard working family, we all became best friends, after that accident.
I know this sounds like a Hollywood story, but Is it just luck or just one responsible family aware of the stupidity of their sons and daughters?
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
I wish every driver here in Qatar would have your calm mind, so I can overcome my phobia in driving here in Qatar and be comfortable with driving in Qatar roads knowing that every other driver drives for transportation purposes and not as road show or an exibit. I wish.. I wish.. I wish... I can't wait to drive again and go anywhere alone to relax, unwind and enjoy (**sigh** dreaming***).
I've been here for a month and your advices are spot on
I hope they ll demolish all these round abouts soonish.
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today"
@xena, there is no bubble to burst. My whole argument is that bad driving isn't a Qatari thing, it's a 'people' thing. People from all over the world. And when you have a city such as Doha which is full of people from all over the world, they're bound to bring their skills and habbits too.
If such a police man did that, he's a bad police man isn't he? He deserves his bottom spanked. That just further supports my point that a bad drive is a bad driver.
Not to burst your bubble, Amnesia, but this morning, i was nearly taken off the road by two vehicle on either side of me at the same time....
both drivers were on their mobile phones and the one in the right lane, swerved into my lane to avoid (wait for it) a traffic police car....
And you know what... the cop did nothing..... infact, at one stage, I though he was going to pull me over for reckless driving when I swerved into the lane next to me.... to avoid the car cutting into my lane... but all the cop was actually doing was just coming up behind me to overtake... by then, the two cars were gone....
@andine, since i'm half British, I kind of know how a British person looks. However having the window open and hearing his accent helps too :P
@Booo, :) I believe that a Positive mind brings a light heart.
@red_pope, thanks for your honks and beeps :D
@kiwi, religion is for guidance, morality and courtesy is what brings better driving.
@Qatarisun, I've been so busy in the UK selling an apartment, I swear the banks didn't want me to take out my money over there! I've been back for three weeks now, but I've been setting up all the basics, phone line, car, apartment, etc... I go to Bahrain once every two weeks to visit family.
What kind words to say, I've missed you all too :P
long time...that's why I felt uncomfortable lately, like I am missing something..lol.. it is arguing with you buddy that I was missing...lol...
ok.. since not much to argue about at that time, let me point at least point on this one: Our Queen is not that old, at least she looks good for her age…lol...
i would agree with user/14124 see who is he
no.1 in qatar
24h tel:4582888
The driving thing is a tired issue alright but let's not dress up facts with a pretty little red dress of positivity. If someone beeping a horn flashing their lights or any of that stuff is enough to put you in a bad mood or ruin your day thats something you need to work on as a person in this modern world. Little points of advice will do nothing to solve this human problem of in-humility. Thats what religion and self improvement is for.
Good advice
Very good and sound advice, and although there have been many posters in the streets about loosing a friend a father a relative in a traffic accident somehow it doesn't work.
Being honest on my way to work last week there was also a British man behind me merrily chatting with his lady companion and coming from Al Saad to the Sports Roundabout with all lanes were full, he kept flashing his headlights at me - I could not change the lane.
It is not all Qataries who are a hassle in the traffic but many other nations too who are living in this melting pot.
Using the Seat belt seems to be only for the driver as I have seen many drivers, driving kids to school aho are sitting in the front seat but not wearing a belt. Still many others not wearing a seat belt if only people would understand that the belt can save their life it might be easier.
Finally, it is up to all of us to try and be curteous to each other on the road and our duty to make the roads safer.
If every one would think there is a living person in the car behind them, before they make foolish manouvers in overtaking and also perhaps use the indicator it would be easier to keep the traffic flowing and save lives.
To Amnesia
Everyone give Amnesia three long "Honks" for a well writing post!
"HONKK"!, "Honkkkk"!, "Honkkkkk"!.
Everyone give Amnesia three long "Beeps" for a well writing post!
BEEEPP!, Beeppp!, Beepppp!
Thank you again, for your advise of traffic peaceful actions.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Abba, Abba, Padre!
Wohooo, goo Amnesia, at last someone addresses how blown out of proportion the negatives are. Hooray for more positive thinking!
How exactly did you know this guy was British?
I always laugh when I see the car that is weaving through traffic and cutting in front of all the cars, because I always end up right next to them at the light!
I find that having a sense of humor about it really helps :P
Don't even get me started on the guys that follow my car, or flash their lights at me and try to show off!! It's sooo annoying.
tra la la
I'm glad that you all support my views. ^_^
@hummers_rock, I can imagine! Sometimes I thank God that I'm not a woman because no matter where I am in the world, they have a hassle.
While in London, alot of my female friends said they were tired of men showing off and smooth talking, I guess here in Qatar, guy's think it's nice to rev their engines :P
I hear you amnesia, what you said makes sense about the aggression....but try being a blond, western chick on these roads...it's not the aggression, but men showing off, doing all sort's of crazy thing to "impress you" and well, forgetting that they are driving.... It can be very intimidating and dangerous!! It has happened in other countries sure, but nothing like here.
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
Hitting the road in my country is worst than here. It is a survival out there in the city roads.
"waiting is an art, timing is everyting"
i agree with u amnesia
ignoring them realy works. at the end of the day i am home safe and sound.
theres nothing to loose if you keep your horses down.
be cool.. relax and drive safe.
"waiting is an art, timing is everyting"
exactly what i have been sating all along ...
If the guy is in a hurry to go to hell dont block givem him way
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
People tend to blow things out of proportion and its getting a little old. There are a lot of pessimistic folks on here who would do well to heed your advice and take a chill pill!!!
i totally agree with u..
maintain a cool head n just let the guys who want to go fast go..
in the end it really dosnt matter even if u reach 5 mins late.
its better to be late than to be THE LATE.