Canary is referring to my complain that i posted here.month ago. Since the beginning  of service for the first five thousand kilometers, you will be charged lessthan 400 riyals. The next 5k they will charge you lessthan 500 riyals. The next i was charged 1860 if i did not complain. And i found it that because i am a lady, they thought that i will just pay the amount without checking it. Specially the battery, i didn't agree to be changed, i told them that i rather bring it in the Industrial area to get a discount but still they changed it when i complain, they said the battery was already drained, but still i insisted to return the old battery and i was doubled charged for the labor maybe because i told them to return. And i don't trust them anymore because when they call to you to tell the consumable parts to be changed, of course in the phone specially you don't really know the name of the parts, i just asks them if it is necessary to change now and they said, yes. Even my window washer if i am correct, i already changed for the coming season, coz i know its rainy again, so i did it at the shop outside, then they told me they changed it and charged me 80 for it. Now i decided to just do the repair outside, not in the company, coz i think even when i tell them to check the water of the battery, they don't do it. I aid morethan 1200 after a long discussion with the manager but still i am not happy because, if i didn't insist my complain, if i just afford to pay it, then i was cheated according to their plan.


"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches  you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."