I feel I do need to apologize. I did not use or have any wisdom in responding to posts that would aggravate those who have different personalities, biases, and justifications from their opinions on what they say. I allowed myself to be lured into the arguments and wishy washy thinking of those who spoke without any real knowledge or wisdom themselves.
I made an excellent beginning post. However upon the seeing a sister mention something that was not true about Islam.. I quickly rushed to defend Islam and the truth of what the religion says. In this most people would have left such brainless comments alone and 3 scenerios would have happened if I had just left all alone.
My original post would have
1.) been replied with an obvious brainless reply that most would have understood as brainless.
2) Someone would have actually made a good point and posed a question that needed to be answered. And this could have been answered in an equally diplomatic way.
3.) people are just left to their own devices and no matter how much I try to explain the truth.. No one would have and indeed did care to listen. And my original post would have remained classy and uncompromised regardless.
Instead.. I commented ... in which incited those who have their own agendas to twist and turn whatever I said.. And has indeed, been a reflection of their own hearts. Which in turn deflect from the original post I made and the point I was trying to make.
And this comes from my own lack of wisdom of not understanding the condition of the people. Or how to respond in a forum where so many people may not be up to the same level as myself in their Islam. And this has made me appear argumentative...
This is something I should not have done.. and inshAllah May Allah forgive me .. and may I learn how to have more patience and wisdom in giving Dawah.
103. Surah Al-Asr (The Time)
1. By Al-'Asr (the time).
2. Verily! Man is in loss,
3. Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-
I feel I do need to apologize. I did not use or have any wisdom in responding to posts that would aggravate those who have different personalities, biases, and justifications from their opinions on what they say. I allowed myself to be lured into the arguments and wishy washy thinking of those who spoke without any real knowledge or wisdom themselves.
I made an excellent beginning post. However upon the seeing a sister mention something that was not true about Islam.. I quickly rushed to defend Islam and the truth of what the religion says. In this most people would have left such brainless comments alone and 3 scenerios would have happened if I had just left all alone.
My original post would have
1.) been replied with an obvious brainless reply that most would have understood as brainless.
2) Someone would have actually made a good point and posed a question that needed to be answered. And this could have been answered in an equally diplomatic way.
3.) people are just left to their own devices and no matter how much I try to explain the truth.. No one would have and indeed did care to listen. And my original post would have remained classy and uncompromised regardless.
Instead.. I commented ... in which incited those who have their own agendas to twist and turn whatever I said.. And has indeed, been a reflection of their own hearts. Which in turn deflect from the original post I made and the point I was trying to make.
And this comes from my own lack of wisdom of not understanding the condition of the people. Or how to respond in a forum where so many people may not be up to the same level as myself in their Islam. And this has made me appear argumentative...
This is something I should not have done.. and inshAllah May Allah forgive me .. and may I learn how to have more patience and wisdom in giving Dawah.