lima foxtrot.. we do not need a job with QP! So thank you very much for the hint. It is after all the companies loss! And of course a loss for us as well.. However Allah is more powerful than you.. and he makes what he wills happen.


If my husband lost something .. then I put my tawakul in Allah for defending the faith he has sent us with. And I am one of the believers who is not scared by the Shaytaan when he threatens with poverty and affliction.


It is too bad that people like you feel that Money, Career or anything else in this life could ever threaten a true believer in the Deen Allah has commanded us with. 


I understand that this life may be all that you have.. and therefore such things may affect you a great deal.  And perhaps I will be more happy in my affliction than when you experience happiness and ease..

As for me... Allah knows best my situation and will InshAllah bless me with his blessing as he sees fit and is better for me and my faith.. And he is the controller of all affairs and gives the blessings to those he wills....


And I am very sorry to inform that this worldly life means very little to me! And your threats only carry your own fears.. and Not mine!