You may well be half British and sure the person you heard above the noise of open windows and car engines by his accent and looks to be British. However, I'm sure you really can't possibly know that.
I am 100% British (whatever that means). I worked alongside a guy in the UK for 1 1/2 years I thought was British, one day I walked past his office and he was speaking fluent dutch! When I asked him about it, it turned out he was Dutch! He also spoke French, Italian, and German perfectly!
Is there even the smallest possibility you could be wrong about this guys nationality.?
Compared to other nations of the world, I find us Brits to be submissive drivers and there is no general comparison to be made between British drivers and the standard of driving in this country. Everyone knows how us Brits also like to form orderly queues even when we don't know what we're queuing for!!! Also the fact that having passed a UK driving test there it is not necessary to do another one here.
Have said all that, your defensive driving advice is good...... take care all
Going back to the start of this thread Amnesia.
You may well be half British and sure the person you heard above the noise of open windows and car engines by his accent and looks to be British. However, I'm sure you really can't possibly know that.
I am 100% British (whatever that means). I worked alongside a guy in the UK for 1 1/2 years I thought was British, one day I walked past his office and he was speaking fluent dutch! When I asked him about it, it turned out he was Dutch! He also spoke French, Italian, and German perfectly!
Is there even the smallest possibility you could be wrong about this guys nationality.?
Compared to other nations of the world, I find us Brits to be submissive drivers and there is no general comparison to be made between British drivers and the standard of driving in this country. Everyone knows how us Brits also like to form orderly queues even when we don't know what we're queuing for!!! Also the fact that having passed a UK driving test there it is not necessary to do another one here.
Have said all that, your defensive driving advice is good...... take care all