I think the author made several points amnesia. Another of them being that we do not imitate non muslims in the celebrations.


And another of the reasons is because valentines is something which does not have any restrictions between lovers, mistrisses, spouses, 


And by condoning the celebration of Valentines days which was based in the first place on a Roman Celebration of non marriage..and thereafter a christian celebration that the church rejected at one point because of the lack of chastity within the holiday..

To modern day times when people take boyfriends and lovers very easily. Then we can see that it is not a holiday based on the morals and chastity Islam promotes. 


Also the love which is shared.. as many people have said is for every day of the year. If a muslim is not able to show his love then perhaps he should try to read the islamic texts and gain love in his heart for Allah. 


This was an excellent article if not a bit long winded. And I will make du'aa for the Qatar Falcon for his intentions of good and trying to establish understanding.


as one poster said.. We all come for different religions and backgrounds and should try our best to understand those around us.. without bashing someone elses beliefs.