Generally good informative article. I was happy to see in in the Herald Tribune. Thanks Tallg. Interesting to read that most faculty are at the end of their careers and the difficulty in getting youger faculty to come over. wonder what PM has to say about this.
Qatari, many, many locals study in US and Australia as well as UK and France. Qataris have been studying in the US for over forty years...even longer maybe. There are strong links with US unis other than the EC ones.
The Sandhurst connection goes way back to the days when the British had personnel in the protectorate areas. There are still very strong links with Sandhurst in terms of military advisory.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________ Love is the answer...
Generally good informative article. I was happy to see in in the Herald Tribune. Thanks Tallg. Interesting to read that most faculty are at the end of their careers and the difficulty in getting youger faculty to come over. wonder what PM has to say about this.
Qatari, many, many locals study in US and Australia as well as UK and France. Qataris have been studying in the US for over forty years...even longer maybe. There are strong links with US unis other than the EC ones.
The Sandhurst connection goes way back to the days when the British had personnel in the protectorate areas. There are still very strong links with Sandhurst in terms of military advisory.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________ Love is the answer...