Oil money cultivates a Mideast Ivy League

I just stumbled across this news article about the the American university campuses at Education City and thought some of you may also find it interesting.
I just stumbled across this news article about the the American university campuses at Education City and thought some of you may also find it interesting.
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===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Qatar Foundation has a long term plan to bring more unis. They are doing it in stages with careful planning.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________ Love is the answer...
In spite of all the underlying commercial and other interests, I still think its a good thing to have international universities operating in Qatar. It gives a great opportunity for the nationals and residents alike to choose from these institutions.
But as Qatari pointed out, a few UK educational institutions will add value to the whole thing. More the merrier !!!
KH, Abu Dhabi Sorbonne is indeed open. It is well on it's way to being as awesome as Paris-Sorbonne.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________ Love is the answer...
Generally good informative article. I was happy to see in in the Herald Tribune. Thanks Tallg. Interesting to read that most faculty are at the end of their careers and the difficulty in getting youger faculty to come over. wonder what PM has to say about this.
Qatari, many, many locals study in US and Australia as well as UK and France. Qataris have been studying in the US for over forty years...even longer maybe. There are strong links with US unis other than the EC ones.
The Sandhurst connection goes way back to the days when the British had personnel in the protectorate areas. There are still very strong links with Sandhurst in terms of military advisory.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________ Love is the answer...
Sorbonne did open in Abu Dhabi. I think. To be more specific, I saw the sign there.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
How some people look at things with a negative perspective. Instead of appreciating an artice showng the real new Qatar to the outside world, they start digging and searching for points to criticize. Unfortunately, some points criticized highlighted a fact that some well educated people do not read properly or completely or do not want to read the story to the end.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
it's a good find and well worthy of the frontpage of QL. What is really interesting to me is that EC is made up of American Universities. You'd have thought that a good European education would have made sense, given that both the Emir and Heir Apparent were educated in the UK and that many Qatari's spend lots of time in Britain and France.
Maybe Oxford, Cambridge and the LSE are not driven by the same commercial goals as the EC schools?
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...quoted in the article. Dana Hadan and Mais Taha are 'naturalised', I'd have preferred to know what some Qatari students from more well-known families thought of EC.
Thx for the link tallg :)
Apology accepted zakiduckie. No need to delete your post, as I said everyone is free to comment.
What annoys me is that people are constantly going on about how the Middle East receives a bad press in the Western world (something that is regularly brought up on QL), but when a favourable article is written all people can do is pick it to pieces.
Tallg, I have had remarks like 'what have you cooked' or stick to poetry, which were completely irrelavant to the topic so don't be disappointed. It is a healthy article for many.
I wanted to add few excerpts from Dr. Tidu Maini, who is a adviser to 'Sheikha Mouza'. He says 'developing countries will fail if they do not invest in education and research and convert their economies into knowledge based ones'.
So there is a lot of interest being generated into research and knowledge, particularly in energy, environment and healthcare.
You have my apologies.
I did not mean to promote a word-attack.
I am merely explainiing the "Eastern perspective" to the Western World.
Apologies if I over-stated myself
I can delete my prveious post if you think that will help bridge the gap between the East and the West.
zaki the duckie
Right. Thanks for that lesson.
I just read an interesting article and thought I'd share it, but I wont bother again if people are just going to pick it apart rather than appreciate someone taking an interest in what's going on here.
Everyone is entitled to comment on anything posted on this forum, but I don't like to post material that provokes a negative reaction. I thought I was pretty safe with this one, but obviously I was wrong.
When Booth killed Lincoln, he shouted " Woe to the Traitors", similar to what Brutus said when he killed Caesar.
The Western media has an inherent bias, which is very subtle.
Israeli forces are called: IDF ( Israeli Defense Forces)
Whereas, a Palestinian child throwing a rock at an Israeli tank passing through his family orchard is a "Future terrorist"
I dont support either the soldier or the rock-thrower.
However, I believe in calling a spade a spade.
That's why a magazine like "The Economist" is respectable and a media source like "Fox News" or "CNN" is a farce to promote the bias inherent in their owners.
The Internet, howvere, has changed all that by breaking the monopoly of content generation and content dissipation.
zaki the duckie
zakiduckie - the money invested by Qatar in education comes from oil, so what else are we supposed to call it?! I don't think this article is trying to infer that there's anything dirty about it, do you?
The term "Oil Money" and Petro-Dollars is mis-used.
It somehow gives the impression that the money is black or dirty.
Oil is a resource.
And it is OIL and its related development which has given us folks in the Gulf so many jobs.
So will the Western Media please stop refrerring to it like it is some kind of dirty money ?
Peace !
zaki the duckie
Actually yes. This is an article which says a lot about education and the interest shown in it by the country. As Sydney Brenner (Nobel laureate) says 'No matter how big or small a country is, there can be no better investment than in education'.
And there was me thinking it was just a nice article about a part of life here in Qatar! Oh well, I guess we all read into things differently.
the author of that article seemed to have no clue as to the country's appeal.
First of all, he made it seem as the only arabic people interested in studying were Qataris and Egyptians (when 20% of the arab students here are from Kuwait, UAE and Saudi).
He also tried to lightly mention a bit of disappointment about the fact that the 'mingling' period had no alcohol... (odd to mention it since I've never been to any educational event where there is alcohol in the UK or in Japan)
He made it seem as nobody was interested in QU when the university is always full and it's a beautiful university at that.
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I wonder if there is some bribe involved to get the lucky one??
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand