okay i posted earlier and don't see my post so i will post it again..

I went into the Apple store today ready to buy the Iphone... was kinda scared of who to go to ,, so than a girl came up to me and asked me if I needed help I told her.. yeahhhhhhhhhhh!
I was freakin out trying to figure out ,, how to tell her.. than I just came out and said it... I told her all my friends over seas are using the iphone and I am jealous and want one too.. but the only problem is that I have to unlock it and I need the serial number to be .... like what you all told me less than 45 or 50 or what ever,,
anyways it didnt come to her as a surprise but I could feel she gotta kinda of worried too she didnt want to loose her job,,, but she felt with me,,, okay anyways,, what happend is she told me that she couldnt find any ,, and she brought one out,, and told me they are all starting from 51 ,,, so they only have 1.1.2

So I wasnt sure to get it or not cause I dont have the turbo thing you told me about dandy...

so What now,, do I go back and just buy it,, or should I just wait till Feb...

I am so sad,, I was so happy to get the phone and than ... boom!

Waiting for ur reply ,, anyone,, advice ,,


Need Advice should I just buy it or just wait ...
