Sorry to hear this, try your embassy, contact a solicitor, look up Qatar Labour Law on internet, (there is one) ask other colleagues if they have been paid and if not all gang up together and go camp in your boss's office until he pays what he owe's you, dont be rude, and dont get angry, even though you have every right to be, just be FIRM and let him know you will not go away. Also try telling him you will let gulf times know all about his companys payment policy and you can always tell him you will telephone his competitors!
Sorry to hear this, try your embassy, contact a solicitor, look up Qatar Labour Law on internet, (there is one) ask other colleagues if they have been paid and if not all gang up together and go camp in your boss's office until he pays what he owe's you, dont be rude, and dont get angry, even though you have every right to be, just be FIRM and let him know you will not go away. Also try telling him you will let gulf times know all about his companys payment policy and you can always tell him you will telephone his competitors!