okay everyone you all have confused meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :(:::::::::
and i still didnt buy anything yet.. i need your last words.. which one should i get????
and who is going to help me when i come to doha..
and when you tell me which one i should get.. make sure to tell me if i need to make sure about the digits,,, in the serial number.. i dont care i just want an ipod and i want it to work and be up to date with my computer.. i am using an xps 1330 dell :)
:) thanks a bunch hopefully next comment i will tell you all that i bought my iphone :)
okay everyone you all have confused meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :(:::::::::
and i still didnt buy anything yet.. i need your last words.. which one should i get????
and who is going to help me when i come to doha..
and when you tell me which one i should get.. make sure to tell me if i need to make sure about the digits,,, in the serial number.. i dont care i just want an ipod and i want it to work and be up to date with my computer.. i am using an xps 1330 dell :)
:) thanks a bunch hopefully next comment i will tell you all that i bought my iphone :)
cheers of to bed