There is nothing wrong if you charge for what you do. You are offering a service and charging for it, thats what professionals do. I am sorry if any of my comments have hurt you. What I meant is that my interest in iPhone is more of a hobby than a profession. You are a professional and I understand and respect it. It would be wonderful to share ideas with you. If I have any issues with iPhone I am sure you will help me as well.
There is nothing wrong if you charge for what you do. You are offering a service and charging for it, thats what professionals do. I am sorry if any of my comments have hurt you. What I meant is that my interest in iPhone is more of a hobby than a profession. You are a professional and I understand and respect it. It would be wonderful to share ideas with you. If I have any issues with iPhone I am sure you will help me as well.
Well regarding 1.1.1 why use patch for everything when it is directly available in 1.1.2.
I am sure you have seen this demo on the apple site, for those who have not pl check