
Who said she is innocent? I don't want to lay the bare facts for you but from the Islamic perspective she was very misguided and from the Secular perspective she was a hero! I know which side I would judge her from.
Like many prominent families in pakistan, the Bhuttos have had their finger in pie too and taken a big slice. The people of pakisan have suffered under all the rulers since the so called independance from Britain...
Indeed Stealth, she was hated by so many including certain factions in the ISI whom she had already accused of being responsible for the attack on her when she arrived in pakistan...no doubt the ISI with CIA backing and support were responsible for creating the taliban; and the the mujahideen groups during the war against the soviets and then later during the talibans takeover of afghanistan...the ISI still has influence over the 'mujahideen' and could have easily used them to eliminate a common enemy...
For the US this will cause some complications as they had backed Bhutto to further US interests in pakistan including the allowing of US troops to cross into pakistan from afghanistan when chasing so called 'militants'. No doubt the US will back a new agent but it will be more difficult for this agent to make as much progress as Bhutto since she enjoyed popular support amongst the masses.