Not clear whether the charges were from your own usage of the credit card (plus late payment fines as per the banks rules) or because someone illegally use your card via skimming and identity theft.
For the second case, then you have everyright to challenge it. Perhaps showing that you had left the country when the usage occur can be used as a defence.
For the first case, then unfortunately somehow or other you will need to pay. May be you can negotiate with the claimant about paying in installment, haircut etc. Don't know how the laws work there, but may be declaring bankruptcy will keep the collector off as well. In any case you may want to get youself a legal advise on this.
Not clear whether the charges were from your own usage of the credit card (plus late payment fines as per the banks rules) or because someone illegally use your card via skimming and identity theft.
For the second case, then you have everyright to challenge it. Perhaps showing that you had left the country when the usage occur can be used as a defence.
For the first case, then unfortunately somehow or other you will need to pay. May be you can negotiate with the claimant about paying in installment, haircut etc. Don't know how the laws work there, but may be declaring bankruptcy will keep the collector off as well. In any case you may want to get youself a legal advise on this.
ALl the best