It's very much possible, provided you have unfathomable Love & guts which i'm afraid, you lack. else why would you take public advise on such personal issues!! You are note sure of your love even so how can you'll have Guts to stand against the world for your love.
Check yourself, if you are serious and think you are made for each other, go ahead, ways & means will follow you. if doubtful (as it seems when you ask we all, 'the public') dont waste time, it's tedious path and only brave can dare to move on.
It's very much possible, provided you have unfathomable Love & guts which i'm afraid, you lack. else why would you take public advise on such personal issues!! You are note sure of your love even so how can you'll have Guts to stand against the world for your love.
Check yourself, if you are serious and think you are made for each other, go ahead, ways & means will follow you. if doubtful (as it seems when you ask we all, 'the public') dont waste time, it's tedious path and only brave can dare to move on.