thank you in advance. we donnot want to quantify the help anyone can give, but any amount will do. you can give directly your donation to him, at room 429 in Hamad or you can contact him at 5442549; his name is Edward.
if you need his medical papers, i cant you though email. he will be in Hamad till Sunday and hopefully on teh 14 will be on his way to Philippines.
You can also contact me at 5506125 for additional informtion.
thank you in advance. we donnot want to quantify the help anyone can give, but any amount will do. you can give directly your donation to him, at room 429 in Hamad or you can contact him at 5442549; his name is Edward.
if you need his medical papers, i cant you though email. he will be in Hamad till Sunday and hopefully on teh 14 will be on his way to Philippines.
You can also contact me at 5506125 for additional informtion.
Thanks again...