help for my sick friend

My filipino friend is very sick and is currently confined at Hamad hospital, diagnosed with end state kindly problem. Hopefully, he will be able to retunr to Philippines mid of this month, however, as he no longer work and had used up all his saving, we would like to seek assistance of any organization/association who may want to help.
if you know any organization/association who can assist, kinldy provide thorugh email, the contact deatails ([email protected]) in order for us to explain further the situation of my friend.
any assistance will be of great help. manythanks
Let him take maximum treatement from Hamad as it is almost free, you pay very less, but out of this hospital where ever he, the expense will be high.
thank you in advance. we donnot want to quantify the help anyone can give, but any amount will do. you can give directly your donation to him, at room 429 in Hamad or you can contact him at 5442549; his name is Edward.
if you need his medical papers, i cant you though email. he will be in Hamad till Sunday and hopefully on teh 14 will be on his way to Philippines.
You can also contact me at 5506125 for additional informtion.
Thanks again...
Also try to contact the National Human Rights Office, address below:
Salwa Road, Souor Al-Rawda
Postal Address:
PO Box 24104
Doha - Qatar
Telephone: +974 444 4012 / 431 6542
Facsimile: +974 444 4013 / 431 6687
E-mail: [email protected]
Plus I believe the Embassy of Philippines in Doha can offer Help.
Please let us know what is the amount needed to cover his/her expenses and where/how can we send for any contribution. Thanks.
How mcuh you need to send him back home? Maybe we Qlers can help...