Who said: “All Indians are Bad”? I went through entire thread and didn’t find anything like that. Marco asked what is that smell that Indians have. Other try to find the right explanation for it. Is having karry smell Bad or Good, I don’t know. Somebody may even like this smell, why not? I personally cannot stand it, and you cannot blame it on me.
One of my friend loves garlic. But she never eats it before going to work, to a date, to the meeting or anything like that. She is fighting her desire, otherwise if she ate garlic all the time, she would smell garlic badly days and nights. In western culture having garlic smell is a bad style. But on my understanding, in Indian culture there is nothing wrong with having this KARRY (or whatever it is) smell. And nothing wrong with that, everybody have rights to do whatever they want. Unless it affects other people in a negative way...