a particular one, I don't remember the name.. and it DOES come out of the pores, it's known... I had to deal with indians at some point of my life, and a lot of them have this smell, some of them less, almost insensible, other have very strong one...Once I was going to rent an apartment (it was in another country)...I walked into some building, and flew away at the same moment: the whole building had this very strong smell. As I found out, most of the apartments in this building were occupied by indians. The smell was coming out of the walls...
a particular one, I don't remember the name.. and it DOES come out of the pores, it's known... I had to deal with indians at some point of my life, and a lot of them have this smell, some of them less, almost insensible, other have very strong one...Once I was going to rent an apartment (it was in another country)...I walked into some building, and flew away at the same moment: the whole building had this very strong smell. As I found out, most of the apartments in this building were occupied by indians. The smell was coming out of the walls...