It is not how much you earn that really matters, it is how you spend what you earn. Try to adjust your way of living if with the amount of salary you're earning you haven't saved any sum. Live below your means, or spend less that what you earn. Because even if you earn much and spend much more, still you will not be able to save. Financial planning is applicable to anybody, not only to those large earners.
Have the will and self discipline and start now, even little by little but consistently, rather than waiting 'til your salary becomes 5 digits.
It is not how much you earn that really matters, it is how you spend what you earn. Try to adjust your way of living if with the amount of salary you're earning you haven't saved any sum. Live below your means, or spend less that what you earn. Because even if you earn much and spend much more, still you will not be able to save. Financial planning is applicable to anybody, not only to those large earners.
Have the will and self discipline and start now, even little by little but consistently, rather than waiting 'til your salary becomes 5 digits.