"baedaebok said Bad apples wearing shorts ...

I hope this MOI decision isn't because I wear shorts everywhere I go (except work). Maybe they have seen this guy wandering around with shorts just above the knee and their knicker has gotten into a knot.

Filipinas wearing revealing/tight clothing? I don't intend to sound brazen or rude. In many cases, this clothing enhances their business and attracts customers (especially at night)."

You DON'T INTEND TO SOUND BRAZEN OR RUDE? Guess you sounded already. What's wrong with us wearing tight or more revealing clothes? does it bother you? or can't get rid of looking at FILIPINA"S body because we are SEXY? We'll if you don't want to see those gals wearing tight, fitted, and revealing clothes while you're shopping then you must buy with those salesclerk who wear your own preferences. If you think they are using their body to sell something well darling don't buy any of their products. Why look at FILIPINAS only? don't be one sided. Anyway what country you came from?

TCOFF...... Thank you so much for defending FILIPINA side.

t_coffee_or_me said baedaebok ...

What do u have against the filipinas community ... i have noticed that u always attack them ... is it coz "The grapes are sour" or the run away maid who has spurned the advances ....
please stop attacking based on caste creed or race.