The car is given or is car loan being offered? One more question is education for your kids also included in the offer, I mean is there education allowance for your kids? If it is then I would consider in taking the offer since it's a good one. If the eductaion expenses for your kids is not included then that would a be an issue since eductaion here in Qatar is quite expensive.
Also and in the end I would suggest to you to go through the following link in which living expenses are somehow described/analyzed and some other comments are made.
The car is given or is car loan being offered? One more question is education for your kids also included in the offer, I mean is there education allowance for your kids? If it is then I would consider in taking the offer since it's a good one. If the eductaion expenses for your kids is not included then that would a be an issue since eductaion here in Qatar is quite expensive.
Also and in the end I would suggest to you to go through the following link in which living expenses are somehow described/analyzed and some other comments are made.