KHs if you are interested read the link I posted.

It is sad and shocking.

I remember once a Qatari marvelling at something I knew and he said how?
I (tactlessly - I was new) said... oh but we all get taught that at school.

He looked at me gravely and said, 'I think they make us stupid here by not teaching us things'

Qataris even if they finish high school with a high grade dont have the skills to enter further education or the work force. So what is the option?

They are then sent on academic bridging programmes or worplace training courses... and become disaffected because they know they are being told that their current educational level isn't good enough... when they have just left school.

Naturally they drop out and hang out with their friends and aren't motivated for further learning because they realise that the high school certificate just isn't up to much...... unlike A French Bac or English A levels.

Demotivational education system which teach collective accummulation of knowledge and a does not nuture individual talents.